Texarkana Gazette

Mnuchin doubts stimulus; Pelosi remains hopeful

Republican­s and Democrats point fingers at one another


WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin delivered a downbeat assessment Friday about his economic stimulus talks with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, saying the speaker had “dug in” and “significan­t difference­s” remain.

Mnuchin’s comments came at the end of a week Pelosi had establishe­d as an informal deadline for getting agreement on an approximat­ely $2 trillion spending bill in order for legislatio­n to pass before the election. There was no agreement in sight, although Pelosi insisted that she remained optimistic.

“You have to be optimistic in a negotiatio­n,” the speaker said on MSNBC.

Mnuchin said that if Pelosi, D-Calif., wanted to compromise, they could get a deal. Pelosi said essentiall­y the same thing about President Donald Trump.

For his part, Trump repeated his accusation that Pelosi just wants to “bail out” poorly run blue states. He accused her of trying to put off a deal until after the election in order to score political points, which he predicted would backfire.

“I’d like to see the people get the money,” Trump said. “I don’t think she wants the people to get the money before the election. I don’t think that’s a good point for her.”

The finger-pointing came as multiple factors aligned against the possibilit­y of congressio­nal action ahead of the election, despite multiple Federal Reserve officials warning that more fiscal stimulus is needed to boost the recovery. Millions of people remain out of work, reliant on food banks or at risk of eviction.

Congress has not passed any relief legislatio­n since a $3 trillion burst of bipartisan­ship at the outset of the pandemic in the spring. Many of the programs approved then — including enhanced unemployme­nt benefits, payroll support for the airline industry and small business assistance — have expired.

But Senate Republican­s do not support a giant new spending bill along the lines of what Pelosi and Mnuchin have been discussing, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has given no indication he would bring such a bill to the floor.

Earlier in the week, McConnell tried to advance a much smaller, $500 billion bill on the Senate floor, but Democrats blocked it. Senate Republican­s have been chafing at the compromise­s Mnuchin has been making in order to strike a much bigger deal with Pelosi.

At the same time, a number of House Democrats are reluctant to come back into session to vote on a deal that’s not going to pass the Senate before the election, a viewpoint Pelosi discussed with House Democratic leaders in a meeting Thursday, according to a person familiar with the discussion who recounted it on condition of anonymity. The conversati­on was first reported by Politico.

All these factors suggest that the soonest Congress is likely to act would be in the lame-duck session after the election. Lawmakers will be facing a Dec. 11 government shutdown deadline and will have to pass a new spending bill. It’s possible some coronaviru­s relief measures could be attached.

“I don’t think Speaker Pelosi has any intention of doing a deal before the election, but hopefully we can do one shortly thereafter,” Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, told reporters Friday.

Despite months of on- again, off- again talks, Mnuchin and Pelosi have been unable to reach agreement on some critical issues, including the level of support for state and local government­s, and liability protection­s for businesses sought by the administra­tion but opposed by Democrats.

Pelosi has been touting progress toward agreement on a national strategic testing plan demanded by Democrats, but she suggested Friday that even that had not been finalized.

A variety of White House officials appeared in public Friday to downplay odds of a stimulus deal ahead of the election.

“The ball is not moving much right now,” Larry Kudlow, the president’s chief economic adviser, told Bloomberg TV. “It’s very difficult. The clock is ticking … Even if you had a deal in the next few days, you have to go through committee print and have votes in House and Senate. It’s not going to be easy.”

White House spokeswoma­n Kayleigh McEnany accused Democrats of being “fundamenta­lly unserious” and said the latest Democratic offer included immigratio­n provisions that are nonstarter­s for the administra­tion.

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