Texarkana Gazette



1. What are your top priorities if elected into office and how do you plan to address them?

My top priorities for Wake Village are to keep taxes low by continuing to operate with a balanced budget. I would like to see Wake Village grow while continuing to be a safe place for our children to grow up.

2. What do you plan to do to serve the people of Wake Village and make sure their voices are heard?

The best way I feel I can serve the people, is to listen to concerns and understand that everyone’s problems are important. Give everyone the the opportunit­y to be heard, no matter where I stand on the issue.

3. What is the biggest challenge the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to

Wake Village and how do you plan to address it?

The biggest challenge COVID-19 has brought to Wake Village is, some of the businesses that have have been closed, will struggle to recover. We as a community should support the local businesses that support us.

4. What are your thoughts about the city’s finances and what program(s) would you like to see added or done away with?

The city of Wake Village currently operates with a balanced budget, I feel that it is the responsibi­lity of the city to spend the people’s money wisely. I think only programs that will help the city grow and are necessary for the community safety and well being should be in the budget.

5. Under what circumstan­ces, if any, would you consider raising taxes?

Raising taxes it’s something I am against. If we operate responsibi­lity we should be able to prevent it.

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