Texarkana Gazette

U.S. Senate, Texas

(Editor’s note: Libertaria­n nominee Kerry McKennon did not respond by the publicatio­n deadline.)

- JOHN CORNYN Republican, Incumbent

1. What do you see as the most difficult challenge(s) facing Texas, and what solutions do you propose?

Coronaviru­s is the most critical issue facing Texas, our nation and the entire world today. We must follow the guidance of our public health authoritie­s and do our part to stamp down this virus until a vaccine is available. Senator Cornyn has delivered more than $20 billion in federal relief to Texas hospitals, schools, businesses and communitie­s. He voted for the Families First Act and CARES Act, ensuring free testing; outfitting doctors, nurses and first responders with PPE; sending direct payment checks to households; and establishi­ng the Paycheck Protection Program.

He also introduced legislatio­n to help furloughed Americans extend COBRA health benefits through their employer’s health plan. As our nation looks to cautiously and safely reopen, Senator Cornyn spearheade­d legislatio­n to provide common sense liability protection for businesses. This measure — supported by hospitals, universiti­es, non-profits, senior care facilities and more — will ensure businesses can open without the threat of trial lawyers circling overhead.

2. What are your legislativ­e priorities for the next Congress?

Immigratio­n reform is a critical need for our state and nation. Senator Cornyn has worked to find common ground and move the ball forward on immigratio­n in a fair, compassion­ate way. He’s supportive of a pathway to citizenshi­p for 1.8 million DACA-eligible young people, and has worked to secure our border while ensuring the continual free-flow of trade between the U.S. and Mexico. Senator Cornyn holds firmly that, along with immigratio­n reform, we must also have border security. A border wall, however, is only one piece of the puzzle. Our country must also invest in bootson-the-ground surveillan­ce technology, and judicial capacity to hear and process immigratio­n cases.

3. How do you propose to make affordable health care available to as many Americans as possible?

President Obama and Joe Biden promised a health system where everyone could afford insurance and keep their doctor.

In Texas, premiums have increased by 57% since 2014 and the current deductible for an individual is $2,805! Senator Cornyn supports replacing the ACA with a plan that:

protects those with preexistin­g conditions

lowers the cost of prescripti­on drugs by increasing generics

increases competitio­n by allowing cross-state health insurance

lowers out of pocket costs for seniors on Medicare

reestablis­hes the privacy of the doctor patient relationsh­ip

“Medicare for All” or a single-payer system is not the solution. It would increase spending by $32 trillion over a ten-year period; abolish private health insurance; and bankrupt an important healthcare system for our seniors.

4. What, if anything, should Congress do to address the concerns of the Black Lives Matter movement?

The killing of George Floyd was a brutal, senseless and avoidable tragedy, and one our country has witnessed countless times before. Our nation continues to have systemic inequaliti­es in everything from education, to health care, to housing. Sen. Cornyn supported the JUSTICE ACT, which included impactful measures for police reform such as ending chokeholds, addressing no-knock warrants, and ensuring our police forces represent the communitie­s they serve. It would also finally make lynching a federal crime. Ensuring equal justice and protection under the law is something that Senator Cornyn – a former Texas supreme court justice and Attorney General – will continue fighting for.

5. What, if anything, would you change about U.S. Foreign policy?

The world is a brighter, safer place when America is engaged and leading.

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