Texarkana Gazette

Biden addresses the passing of COVID bill and taking holiday pandemic precaution­s


WILMINGTON, Del. — Presidente­lect Joe Biden on Tuesday expressed empathy with struggling families and applauded Congress for a passing the coronaviru­s relief as the nation deals with a COVID-19 surge that’s casting a shadow over the Christmas holiday.

He called out to frontline workers, scientists, researcher­s, clinical trial participan­ts and those with deployed family members during the season.

“Our hearts are always with you — keep the faith,” he said.

Noting the ways that the pandemic has altered his own holiday celebratio­ns, which typically include up to two dozen relatives, Biden said, “not this year.”

“This season of reflection carries a much deeper meaning than it usually does,” Biden said, encouragin­g Americans to continue to take precaution­s to try to stem the spread of the virus, which has now killed more than 320,000 people in the United States. “Jill and I send our prayers, as I’m sure all of you do, to all that are facing this dark winter.”

Earlier this month, Biden said Americans “cannot be traveling during these holidays,” and acknowledg­ed that “Christmas is going to be a lot harder.” On Monday, Biden got vaccinated on live television as part of an effort to reassure people that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe.

“I look forward to the second shot, and I have absolute confidence in the vaccine,” Biden said. “But we’re in short supply.”

On the $900 billion coronaviru­s aid bill passed by Congress on Monday, Biden called the bill a “down payment” on a broader relief bill he plans to introduce when he takes office in January.

“Like all compromise­s, this is far from perfect,” Biden said. “Congress did their job this week, and I can and I must ask them to do it again next year.”

On Tuesday, Biden’s team also announced a new round of White House s taff appointmen­ts, led by longtime aide Bruce Reed as deputy chief of staff. Reed served as Biden’s chief of staff during his first term as vice president and has long been a close member of Biden’s inner circle of advisers.

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