Texarkana Gazette

In Your View


EDITOR’S NOTE: The Friday Question will return in two weeks.

Last Week: Who Won?

Last week’s question was about President Trump’s claims of voter fraud and fight to stay in office. Will the election be overturned and President Trump remain in office? Or is it over?

It’s over. Biden won. Before the elections in both 2016 and 2020, Trump claimed that if he lost, it would be because of voter fraud. Despite his own attorney general stating that no evidence of widespread fraud exists, Trump continues to push his wild, unfounded conspiracy theories. He does NOT love America; he loves HIMSELF and power and refuses to concede. Sadly, he has duped a lot of good people. — B.R., Ashdown, Arkansas

I will never accept Biden as winner, as long as the courts refuse to hear all the credible claims of voting fraud. Anyone believing a smooth transfer of power is better for the country, when those being put in power was preferred by a corrupted system, is dead wrong. — D.H.M., Texarkana, Arkansas

The election will not be overturned. It was a fair election and voters just got sick and tired of Trump. Trump wants to keep his spoiled brat loser mentality up to continue to get money from his base over $200 million, so far. Trump has always found way to rip people off. So sad, but so glad we’ll be rid of him and the sewer that he brought to Washington. — R.K., Texarkana, Texas

Trump lost by a substantia­l amount. All rational citizens know that. Dozens of judges, including Republican­s and Trump appointees, have rejected his disgracefu­l, frivolous ranting. The Gazette should rethink positing if an attempted coup and the destructio­n of our democracy is over or will there be a “miracle”? —J.W., Texarkana, Texas


■ It should be with the massive evidence of cheating.

■ It’s not over and cheating/fraud is beyond ridiculous!!! Even more ridiculous is the high court’s not even listening to the cases.

■ Where’s the evidence ? All that has been presented are allegation­s and conspiraci­es. Move on the election is over, Trump lost!

■ Trump won. The Democrats rigged the election. It’s called voters fraud.

■ Biden won. Dems and Republican vote counters say he won. Supreme Court says he won. The only person yelling about voter fraud is Trump, and the current estimate for his false claims during his presidency is in the neighborho­od of 25,000.

■ Biden won so let’s just say bye to Trump.

■ I will bet anyone who thinks Trump will be in the White House after January 20th cash money to a charity of their choice.

■ Biden won. Democratic and republican­s officials, clerks, judges, attorney generals have said no fraud. Trump has gone on and on and on for 8 months how he was going to lose to fraud.

■ President Trump should be remain in office.

■ It’s over!

■ I’m still praying the truth is told and Trump prevails as the voters have truly asked.

■ It’s been over. JB is president elect.

■ Biden won and DT will leave office. DT can’t accept loss and just a poor loser. He’s damaging the election process with his poor behavior.

■ It should be overturned. If for no other reason but two things. Mail in ballots and the dominion servers being compromise­d.

■ Some news sources are reporting that the President is looking at invoking martial law to remain in office.

■ BIDEN won the American voters have spoken. Move along.

■ Trump was told NO for the first time in his miserable life. Like a child, he’s throwing a temper tantrum.

■ The Democrats can only cheat!

■ I hope Donald Trump wins.

■ Cult45 Jim Jones, the new beginning….. the Koolaid is free so please help yourself.

■ Research 1867 election.

■ So I guess all the voter fraud and everything found out, goes to the waist side. My question, if table were turned, would the other side try to do the right thing and fight until there is a “FINAL” decision? Honestly, I wish they would allow everyone to VOTE again, in person only or absentee voting … and see what the numbers show.

■ Trump will win! Fraud cancels! Mounds of proof is out there both domestic and foreign. The Insurrecti­on law will be implemente­d. Its already starting in DC they are boarding up and evacuating. Just wait. Keep your heads in the sand. ALL communicat­ions will be lost. Do some research and stop being spoon fed from MSM.

■ They cheated that’s why Joe stayed in the basement. He already knew that it was rigged for him to win.

■ No matter who wins, the fact that they don’t want to verify every vote, tells us that there is corruption and fraud with the process.

Bill Barr answered questions at his press conference this AM and said he stands by his statement there was not election fraud that would have changed the results of the election and that he is not appointing a special council to investigat­e fraud.

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