Texarkana Gazette

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick offered cash rewards for proof of voter fraud. Now, tipsters worry he won’t pay up

- Lauren McGaughy

AUSTIN— Days after the election, when Donald Trump was calling for evidence of voter fraud to reverse Joe Biden’s win, Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick came to his aid by offering massive cash rewards to anyone who turned over proof of illegal voting.

Patrick’s bounty quickly went viral. He offered a minimum reward of $25,000 to anyone who provided proof of voter fraud to law enforcemen­t. The incentives were necessary, the Republican said, to ferret out potential illegal voting and “restore faith in future elections.”

More than two months later, there is no evidence of widespread fraud during the 2020 election. Of the small number of arrests nationwide, most involved isolated instances of illegal voting that would not have changed the results for either party.

But now, tipsters who claim to have rooted out these rare cases of fraud are having difficulty figuring out how to get the reward money they say Patrick promised them. The lack of informatio­n about how to apply for one of these voter fraud rewards has prompted at least one tipster to question whether Patrick intends to live up to the promise.

There is no informatio­n on Patrick’s official state or campaign websites about how to apply for the cash prizes. His campaign spokesman told The Dallas Morning News earlier this month there had been no applicatio­ns for the reward. He brushed off most other questions.

Pennsylvan­ia Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, a Democrat, is using Patrick’s silence against him, demanding he pay up after three Republican­s in his state were arrested for allegedly voting illegally. He’s now selling t-shirts to promote his bout with Patrick, like a promoter ahead of a prizefight.

Patrick’s spokesman said only original tipsters — not government officials like Fetterman — are eligible for the cash reward.

One of these tipsters, a Pennsylvan­ia poll worker who told police he witnessed a Republican vote twice in one day, wants to claim the reward if the man he turned in is convicted — but he has no idea how.

“I don’t know what avenue to take in order to request the reward,” Eric Frank told The News. He is not optimistic Patrick will pay up. “People go on social media and say stuff all the time.”

In a news release announcing the rewards, Patrick said the money would be available to “anyone who provides informatio­n that leads to an arrest and final conviction of voter fraud.” He set aside $1 million for the rewards in total.

Patrick’s campaign website includes general contact informatio­n for constituen­ts. But the reward notice contained no informatio­n about what evidence tipsters needed to be eligible for the reward, how Patrick will determine the amount each tipster can receive or who to contact with questions.

Patrick’s campaign spokesman Allen Blakemore did not answer questions about the missing informatio­n.

Blakemore said the rewards would be paid with campaign cash, not state funds. Patrick had more than $19 million in his coffers at the end of December; he did not appear to have used any of that cash to pay these rewards, according to his most recent fundraisin­g report.

But tipsters are only eligible to get these rewards after someone has been convicted, Blakemore explained: “The threshold of leading to the arrest and final conviction has not been met. As such, there have been no applicatio­ns for reward.”

Blakemore did not answer questions about whether “final conviction” meant someone found guilty of voter fraud would have to exhaust all appeals — a process that can take years — before Patrick will pay the bounty.

In a recent appearance at a conservati­ve think tank, Patrick suggested Americans have a right to be suspicious of the 2020 presidenti­al election results, but stopped short of saying the results were invalid.

“I’m not in the camp that says ‘yes it was stolen.’ I don’t know,” Patrick said. On Biden, he added, “Once the election is over, that’s our president. I’m going to pray that God gives him wisdom not to listen to the crazies on the left.”

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