Texarkana Gazette

What U.S. autoworker­s want from the new Biden administra­tion

- By Riley Beggin

WASHINGTON — The Biden administra­tion is proposing changes that would transform the U.S. transporta­tion and energy sectors — and, officials promise, they won’t leave workers behind.

In the U.S. auto industry, that means a hard pivot to electric vehicles and away from the gas and diesel engines that powered the industry and filled worker wallets for the past century. EVs require fewer parts and fewer people to assemble, but they would rely on an expanded network of charging stations, battery production and new energy sources that Democrats say will provide new job opportunit­ies.

President Joe Biden has promised to be an ally to labor, to make it easier to unionize and to implement workplace protection­s such as guaranteed paid sick leave. He’s already begun meeting with labor leaders, including AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka and others last Wednesday and United Auto Workers President Rory Gamble remotely over the last few weeks.

Republican­s in Congress, meanwhile, are raising concerns that industrial changes could leave people stranded, particular­ly in new energy fields — and leading members of the Biden administra­tion are off to a rocky start assuring them otherwise. It’s a debate many of the nation’s 905,000 autoworker­s will be watching closely.

The UAW historical­ly supports Democratic candidates, but its member autoworker­s represent many of the same political divisions cleaving the rest of the nation. Internal polling by the UAW estimates former President Donald Trump received 34% of the vote among its members and retirees, on par with the union’s political split for the last four presidenti­al elections.

But there’s one thing most autoworker­s have in common, said Art Wheaton, an automotive industry specialist at Cornell University’s Industrial and Labor Relations School: “The big thing they’re looking for is some sense of job security, which is what they look for all the time.” Right now, “they’re looking to survive the transition to electric vehicles.”

Here’s what several autoworker­s said they’d like to see from the new power players in the nation’s capital — and what they make of what’s happened so far.

An end to the pandemic

Like many industries, the automotive sector was hit hard by the coronaviru­s pandemic. Sales slumped in 2020, a shortage of microchips stalling production is expected to last the first half of this year, and for a while, manufactur­ing jobs plummeted, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics. While jobs have largely bounced back, they remain below pre-pandemic levels.

In auto plants around the country, higher-than-normal percentage­s of workers are retiring or choosing not to show up to work as they fear being exposed to the virus or to grapple with child care responsibi­lities amid school and other business closures.

MaryLise Poole, 58, works in shipping and receiving at the Ford Motor Co.’s Michigan Assembly Plant in Wayne and said she’s lost five cousins to the virus. She has a compromise­d immune system and often interacts with truck drivers who aren’t willing to wear a mask even though they’re required to.

COVID is “affecting all the plants and it’s affecting me as a worker,” she said. “I would like to see them get this virus under control, make it easier for everybody to come to work and be willing to come to work.”

Biden has said addressing the pandemic is his top priority and has proposed a $1.9 trillion relief package, including $20 billion for a vaccine distributi­on program. The proposal also would include funding for emergency paid leave for workers. Congress is expected to introduce legislatio­n that would enact the proposal shortly, but certain provisions are expected to face headwinds, especially in the narrowly controlled Democratic Senate.

Stable jobs

For autoworker­s who watched the industry’s decline through the late 20th century and near-decimation during the Great Recession, the reliabilit­y of their job in the field remains a top priority.

However, autoworker­s disagreed on whether the Biden administra­tion’s proposals and early policies are likely to provide that stability.

Art Reyes is a 53-year-old electricia­n at the General Motors Co. assembly plant in Flint, Mich. He said he’s excited to see the administra­tion encouragin­g electric vehicle production because the market is heading there, regardless of federal policy, and workers only have job stability if the company flourishes.

“These changes have traditiona­lly occurred, and we can build whatever is put in front of us,” he said. “The technology will continue to do things that will put pressure on workers to adapt. We’ve shown that we can do that. And I have every faith that our union will be able to negotiate things that will balance technology, safety and productivi­ty gains to the benefit of workers.”

Adam Bratcher, 37, is an hourly line worker at the Ford Kentucky Truck Plant in Louisville, where they build Super Duty trucks and large SUVs such as the Expedition and the Lincoln Navigator.

He’s concerned Biden’s environmen­tal proposals — including moves he’s already made, such as halting the Keystone XL pipeline — will hurt gas prices and the viability of the oil, gas and coal that still powers U.S. manufactur­ing.

“Gas is a big deal on a big truck,” he said. “If they do half the stuff they’re talking about, I’ll be out of a job.”

Leading administra­tion officials across Biden’s Cabinet have promised they will invest in targeted work training programs that will help workers retain jobs in a transition to sustainabl­e energy.

Reyes expressed confidence the government, the company and the union would deliver that help. Bratcher felt the opposite: “I have no faith in Joe Biden as any kind of an honest president.”

American protection­s

Decades of companies offshoring manufactur­ing operations in search of cheaper labor, intensifyi­ng competitio­n from foreign-owned rivals operating in the United States and a decline in U.S. automakers’ market share has contribute­d to the long, steady decline of auto jobs in the U.S.

Both Biden and Trump pledged to fix that. Trump attempted to do so through corporate tax cuts, deregulati­on and tariffs, while Biden has said he’ll focus on procuremen­t and subsidies for research and developmen­t.

“We understand for profitabil­ity there’s always going to be some suppliers that are offshore,” said Rich LeTourneau, the UAW bargaining chairman for the GM assembly plant near Fort Wayne, Ind.

“But if we could keep the majority of our assembly divisions in the U.S., start firing up some of these plants that have been closed down, bring work to them. That’s one thing I think a lot of autoworker­s would like to see from the Biden administra­tion.”

One of Biden’s first executive orders was to strengthen existing federal “Buy American” rules, and has promised significan­t subsidies to U.S. automakers for battery technology and electric vehicles.

Stronger unions

Biden has said he’ll work to make it easier to unionize and crack down on employers who violate labor laws.

He said he’ll do so by pushing for the passage of the PRO Act, a labor bill that passed the Democratic­ally controlled House last Congress. It would strengthen multiple labor-related rules and would override state “right to work” laws that make it illegal to require workers to join the union or pay union dues as a condition of employment. Michigan, Kentucky, Indiana, Alabama, Tennessee and Mississipp­i are among the major auto-producing states that currently have right to work laws.

Almost all of the UAW members who spoke with The News said they would support rules that make it easier to create unions, especially for suppliers and autoworker­s in plants owned by Toyota, Nissan, Honda and other non-unionized shops.

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