Texarkana Gazette

Southern Baptists divided over politics, race, LGBTQ policy

- By David Crary

Divisions over race, politics, gender and LGBTQ issues are roiling America’s largest Protestant denominati­on, the Southern Baptist Convention, ahead of a meeting of its executive committee next week.

On the agenda are two items reflecting those divisions: A recommenda­tion that a church in Kennesaw, Georgia, be ousted from the SBC because it accepted LGBTQ people into its congregati­on, contraveni­ng Southern Baptist doctrine; and a report by an executive committee task force criticizin­g the widely respected leader of the SBC’s public policy arm, the Rev. Russell Moore. Among the grievances against Moore: His outspoken criticism of Donald Trump during Trump’s 2016 election campaign and his presidency.

Jim Conrad, the pastor of Towne View Baptist Church in Kennesaw, said he’s at peace with the likelihood that his church will be “disfellows­hipped” by the executive committee during its meeting Monday and Tuesday.

But Conrad sees broader challenges for the SBC as its stances on various sensitive issues are questioned from inside and outside.

“The problem the SBC is facing right now is this: In order to work with them, you’ve got to be in lockstep agreement with them on every point. Nine out of 10 won’t get you by,” Conrad said. “That’s just a shame. They’re going to limit themselves in terms of who’s able to work them.”

Some of the most volatile topics facing the SBC aren’t on the executive committee agenda but have fueled passionate blog posts and social media exchanges in recent weeks. Among the issues:

— Some Black pastors have left the SBC and others are voicing their dismay over pronouncem­ents by the SBC’s six seminary presidents — all of them white — restrictin­g how the subject of systemic racism can be taught at their schools.

— Several prominent SBC conservati­ves, citing church doctrine that bars women from being pastors, have questioned why the denominati­on’s North American Mission Board has supported a few churches where women hold titles such as children’s pastor and teaching pastor. The board says it seeks to persuade such churches to change those titles.

— The leadership continues to draw criticism from victims of church-related sexual abuse over promises made in 2019 to combat that problem. Activists say inquiries related to sex abuse should be handled by independen­t experts, not by the SBC’s credential­s committee.

Moore has been president of the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, or ERLC, since 2013. Though staunchly conservati­ve on issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage, he has gained an audience outside the SBC with his speeches and writings, including criticism of Trump, condemnati­on of Christian Nationalis­m and support for a more welcoming immigratio­n policy.

After the Jan. 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol by Trump supporters, Moore wrote on his blog, “This week we watched an insurrecti­on of domestic terrorists, incited and fomented by the President of the United States.” If he were a member of Congress, Moore wrote, he would vote to remove Trump from office even if it cost him his seat.

The task force’s report on Moore doesn’t demand his ouster but urges him and other ERLC leaders to refrain from opposing specific candidates for political office and to limit their public comments to positions already establishe­d in SBC doctrine and resolution­s.

The Rev. Mike Stone, the task force chairman, said the ERLC under Moore’s leadership has been a “significan­t source of division” jeopardizi­ng contributi­ons to the SBC from its 47,000 affiliated churches.

Moore, who has declined public comment on the report, is likely to retain his post, at least for the short term.

Conrad, however, expects his church to be ousted, based on a letter he received Feb. 8 from the credential­s committee asserting that Towne View Baptist “is not in friendly cooperatio­n” with the SBC.

Towne View began welcoming LGBTQ worshipper­s in October 2019 after a samesex couple with three adopted children asked Conrad if they could attend, a decision he defends as the right thing to do.

“The alternativ­e would have been to say, ‘We’re probably not ready for this,’ but I couldn’t do that,” said Conrad, pastor there since 1994.

Conrad has the option of appealing an expulsion, but he’s making plans to affiliate at least temporaril­y with the Cooperativ­e Baptist Fellowship, which allows its churches to set their own policies regarding LGBTQ inclusion.

Conrad says about 30% of his congregati­on — which now numbers about 125 — left his church over the issue, forcing some budget cutbacks, including a pay cut for Conrad.

“But we have had overwhelmi­ngly positive feedback from the community,” he said. “Letters, emails, Facebook messages, phone calls — people telling their own story of rejection by their church and how grateful they’d be to find a place where they’re welcome.”

The most recent disfellows­hip of an SBC church occurred a year ago when the executive committee ousted Ranchland Heights Baptist Church of Midland, Texas, because it employed a registered sex offender as pastor.

In 2019 the SBC leadership pledged strong action on sex abuse after news reports that hundreds of clergy and staff had been accused of misconduct over the previous 20 years. But critics remain dissatisfi­ed.

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