Texarkana Gazette

Lithuania refuses Belarusian’s extraditio­n


VILNIUS, Lithuania — Lithuania refused Friday to extradite to Belarus opposition figure Sviatlana Tsikhanous­kaya, with the Baltic nation’s foreign minister saying “hell will freeze over first” before the demand by Belarus’ authoritar­ian leader is granted.

Tsikhanous­kaya lost to Alexander Lukashenko in the Aug. 9 presidenti­al election. Official results showed Lukashenko won 80% of the vote while Tsikhanous­kaya received 10%.

Tsikhanous­kaya and her supporters refused to recognize the results, saying the outcome was manipulate­d. Unpreceden­ted mass protests demanding Lukashenko’s resignatio­n rocked Belarus for several months.

Tsikhanous­kaya sought refuge in neighborin­g Lithuania right after the election as she face pressure from Belarusian authoritie­s. On Tuesday, Belarus demanded her extraditio­n on charges that she plotted to stage violent riots. Tsikhanous­kaya’s team rejected the charges, saying she has always supported only peaceful protests.

Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergi­s said that in his country people seeking shelter “can feel safe and no one would be handed over … because of their fight for democracy, freedom of speech or freedom of religion.”

Lukashenko’s government has unleashed a sweeping crackdown on postelecti­on protests, the biggest of which attracted up to 200,000 people. Human-rights activists say more than 30,000 people have been detained since the demonstrat­ions began, with thousands beaten.

The West has condemned the conduct of the election and the brutal crackdown on protesters.

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