Texarkana Gazette

Democratic push to revive earmarks divides Republican­s

- By Kevin Freking

WASHINGTON — Can lawmakers bring home the bacon without it being pork?

It’s a question that’s vexing Republican­s as they consider whether to join a Democratic push to revive earmarks, the much-maligned practice where lawmakers direct federal spending to a specific project or institutio­n back home. Examples include a new bridge, community library or university research program.

Earmarking was linked to corruption in the 2000s, leading to an outcry and their banishment in both the House and Senate. But many in Congress say the ban has gone too far, ceding the “power of the purse” to party leaders and the executive branch and giving lawmakers less incentive to work with members of the other party on major legislatio­n.

Democratic appropriat­ors in the House see a solution and are proposing a revamped process allowing lawmakers to submit public requests for “community project funding” in federal spending bills. To guard against graft, the process includes safeguards to prevent conflicts of interest.

Whether earmarking becomes bipartisan could have enormous implicatio­ns not only for the allocation of spending across the country, but for President Joe Biden, who is gearing up for a massive infrastruc­ture push that he hopes will attract significan­t Republican support. With earmarking in place, bipartisan­ship could prove easier to achieve, as lawmakers on both sides of the aisle could have reason to support bills they would otherwise oppose.

“This is a matter of allowing members to serve their own constituen­ts,” said Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla. “Somebody is going to be making these decisions — and I don’t want to bash federal bureaucrat­s — but somebody who has never been to my district probably doesn’t know the needs as well as I do.”

With Congress having allocated nearly $6 trillion responding to the COVID19 pandemic, some conservati­ves are aghast at the prospect of Republican­s participat­ing in a Democratic spending spree. They say their party should resist earmarking, not revive it.

“This is not the time to fall into the swamp, or into the dark hole of earmarks,” said Rep. Ted Budd, R-N.C. “We’ve got to draw a bright line between Republican­s and Democrats right now.”

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