Texarkana Gazette

Republican­s lawmakers visit U.S.-Mexico border

- By Laura Litvan

WASHINGTON — Senate Republican­s who visited the U.S.-Mexico border on Friday demanded that the Biden administra­tion restore a Trump-era policy that requires migrants who cross the frontier to go back to Mexico to file for asylum and wait there while their claims are filed.

The group, led by Texas Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, said that any congressio­nal action on immigratio­n policy is unlikely until that happens, arguing the change in direction is critical to stopping the arrival of migrants at the border, many of them unaccompan­ied children, that began last year and has jumped in the weeks since Biden came into office.

“How can you pass an immigratio­n bill when you have an open border,” Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, said at a news conference in Mission, Texas, in the sweep- ing Rio Grande Valley.

Some senators among the nearly 20 who made the trip said they saw migrant children crammed into a nearby detention center and that there are growing concerns about the spread of COVID19. Cruz described seeing toddlers and other young children “lying side by side, touching each other” and covered by silvery emergency blankets.

“The Biden administra­tion wants to hide what is going on here,” said Cruz, who said he pushed unsuccessf­ully to get cameras into the facility.

The trip, also made by senators including Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Thom Tillis of North Carolina, adds further to the partisan tension as Biden faces steep humanitari­an challenges at the border. Earlier this month, U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported that 100,441 people tried to cross into the U.S. illegally in February, the first full month of the Biden administra­tion, a 28% increase over January. More than 9,500 unaccompan­ied children came to the border in February, a 62% jump above January.

At a news conference Thursday, Biden rejected the assertion from Republican­s, and some Democrats, that his welcoming rhetoric toward migrants is the reason more of them are arriving. He defended his efforts to repeal Trump’s hard-line immigratio­n policies, and said that’s not why migrants make the often dangerous trek north.

The president also expressed confidence that Mexico would accept families who come to the U.S. border. While the Biden administra­tion has said families are being expelled under a public-health order invoked by Trump during the pandemic, an increasing number have remained in the U.S., officials have said, because Mexico has been unwilling to receive them.

“We’re in negotiatio­ns with the president of Mexico. I think we’re going to see that change,” Biden said at the news conference, his first formal one at the White House. “They should all be going back.”

Lawmakers in both parties are heading to the border as the upheaval continues. Rep. Joaquin Castro, a Texas Democrat, on Friday led a small group of Democratic lawmakers in a visit to a Carrizo Spring, Texas, facility for unaccompan­ied minors. On Saturday, Democratic Rep.Veronica Escobar, also of Texas, is to lead a group of nine House lawmakers in both parties to another facility for minors in El Paso.

Republican­s are heaping on the criticism of Biden policies they say are a magnet for migrants, including his campaign promise of a pathway to citizenshi­p for 11 million undocument­ed immigrants already in the U.S.

Speaking on the Senate floor Thursday morning, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said the Biden administra­tion “still refuses to even admit there’s a crisis, much less address it.”

“Unaccompan­ied children are literally piling up in close quarters,” McConnell said. “It turns out when politician­s spend a two-year campaign advertisin­g amnesty, people actually listen.”

There are no immediate plans in Congress for any legislativ­e response to the crisis, and top Democrats including Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin say that Biden’s call for comprehens­ive immigratio­n reform is likely dead in this session of Congress.

The Democrat-led House last week narrowly passed two immigratio­n bills last week in a more piecemeal approach. Nine Republican­s joined all House Democrats to pass the Dream and Promise Act, H.R. 6, on a 228-197 vote, which would provide green cards and the prospect of eventual citizenshi­p to young undocument­ed immigrants known as Dreamers. The House also approved, 247-174, another bill to provide legal status for migrant agricultur­al workers, with 30 Republican­s voting in favor.

In the Senate, split 50-50 between the two parties, Republican­s say that even a more modest measure like the Dream Act can’t clear now without a significan­t investment in border security or asylum law changes, or both. Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, a Republican who often seeks bipartisan compromise­s, called the situation at the border “a disaster.”

“I’ve always been sympatheti­c to both groups, particular­ly the Dreamers and giving them a path to citizenshi­p,” Collins said. “As a practical reality, given what’s happening on the border right now, I think it would have to be combined with some border security issues.

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