Texarkana Gazette

Netanyahu unintentio­nally boosted Palestinia­n demands for equality

- Trudy Rubin

Something momentous happened in Israel on Wednesday that could have a major impact on Jewish-Arab relations.

I don’t just mean the ousting of the far right Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu, pending ratificati­on by the Knesset. Israel’s longest serving premier, from 2009 to the present and 19961999 before that. Netanyahu had clung to power with Trump-like tenacity through four indecisive elections in two years — and seemed headed for a fifth when he was unable to put together a coalition with a majority of seats.

At the last moment, eight Israeli political parties from right, left and center — some with totally contradict­ory ideologies — managed to pull together a governing majority on Wednesday, united by their intense dislike of Netanyahu. The new prime minister will be Naftali Bennett, head of a small religious nationalis­t party, who styles himself as more right-wing than Bibi and opposes any Palestinia­n state.

So what has happened that could strongly affect JewishArab relations? The kingmaker in forming the new government was a Palestinia­n citizen of Israel, Mansour Abbas, whose conservati­ve Islamist party, the United Arab List (known as Ra’am) won four seats.

This will be the first time that an Arab party will be an actual partner in an Israeli government.

Coming on the heels of the latest Israeli-Hamas war, which sparked serious clashes between Arab and Israeli citizens of Israel, Abbas’ pivotal role is all the more vital.

His demands center on redress for discrimina­tion against Israel’s Arab citizens — which is central to avoiding civil war inside Israel. But his party’s key political role will make it harder for the new government to sweep broader Palestinia­n issues back under the rug.

“For the first time in decades an Arab party is fully and openly participat­ing in the [Israeli] political game, with Ra’am chair Mansour Abbas as an equal among equals,” writes Afif Abu Much in the respected Mideast news site Al-Monitor. “This is history in the making.”

All the more so, because Netanyahu himself — a leader who incited against Arabs to boost his party’s turnout — was the first to turn to Abbas. He hoped that Ra’am would give him the seats he urgently needed to finalize a government.

It was Bibi who “legitimize­d including Abbas’s party in a coalition with right wing parties,” writes the Israeli paper Ha’aretz. In his desperatio­n to remain prime minister, with corruption cases against him ongoing, Bibi broke a long-standing political taboo — even though he’s now slamming Bennett for “selling out” to the Arabs.

Ra’am’s presence in the coalition won’t get the peace process restarted. With such a fractious coalition, both left and right wing Jewish parties, and Abbas, want to focus on domestic Israeli issues, rather than the future of Gaza and the West Bank.

Assuming the new government is approved by the Knesset next week (and this is not 100% certain) Bennett has committed to rotate the prime ministersh­ip in two years with with secular centrist Yair Lapid, who will now serve as Foreign Minister. Lapid supports a two-state solution, but with sharp limits attached.

Yet the demands that Abbas made in return for Ra’am’s joining the coalition are directly relevant to the future of the West Bank and Gaza. Besides funding for desperatel­y needed infrastruc­ture and policing in Arab towns, his most critical ask went to the heart of the issue that triggered horrific Israeli-Palestinia­n violence last week.

The original spark for that mini-war revolved around planned Israeli demolition of Palestinia­n homes in the East Jerusalem neighborho­od of Sheikh Jarrah, without compensati­on. Palestinia­ns see such demolition­s as aimed at driving them off their land.

Demolition­s of Palestinia­n homes in Jerusalem, the West Bank — and inside Israel — are common, often because Palestinia­ns lack building permits, which are extremely difficult if not impossible to obtain from Israeli officials. Such destructio­n especially embitters Palestinia­ns on the

West Bank, where Jewish settlement­s and roads are constantly expanding on land there.

And the demolition­s compound the housing shortage for Palestinia­ns inside Israel. “While Israeli Arabs constitute 20% of the population, Arab communitie­s’ jurisdicti­ons occupy just 2.5% of the state’s land area,” writes Ha’aretz, “and the process of approving new constructi­on in Arab towns takes decades.”

This is second-class citizenshi­p writ large.

So Abbas has demanded “retroactiv­e building permits for tens of thousands of [Arab] structures [within Israel] built illegally and now facing demolition,” writes Ha’aretz, along with the amendment of a controvers­ial 2017 law that mainly targets Arab communitie­s for such illegal building. He also insisted that three unrecogniz­ed Bedouin villages in southern Israel be legalized, not destroyed.

If Abbas’ demands are met — he claims he has commitment­s — this would mark a revolution in JewishPale­stinian relations within Israel. And it would embolden demands from Palestinia­ns in the occupied West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, for fairness and justice where they live.

The new coalition government may or may not last, but if Ra’am is stiffed it can ensure a government collapse.

So here is the biggest irony of Bibi’s defeat: By (unintentio­nally) legitimizi­ng full Israeli Arab participat­ion in government, he has jolted Israeli politician­s into recognizin­g a reality they had been avoiding. Palestinia­n demands for equality can no longer be brushed aside.

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