Texarkana Gazette

There’s no such thing as healthy obesity

- Drs. Oz Roizen (c)2021 Michael Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet Oz, M.D. King Features Syndicate

The blue whale is the largest ocean dweller, weighing around 180 tons, and the ostrich is the largest bird — it can hit 345 pounds and still run 42 mph. Those heavyweigh­t creatures are, well, a healthy weight. But for you, becoming a heavyweigh­t is downright unhealthy, even if you qualify as having what some folks (not us) have called “metabolica­lly healthy obesity.”

FYI: MHO is defined as having a body mass index of 30 while meeting at least four of six normals for metabolic health: blood pressure, C-reactive protein, triglyceri­des, LDL and HDL cholestero­l, and HbA1c, a measure of average blood glucose.

A study published in Diabetolog­ia reveals that having a “normal” metabolic profile doesn’t exempt an obese person from increased risks for diabetes, heart diseases, strokes and respirator­y diseases. Looking at 10 years’ worth of data on 381,363 individual­s, the researcher­s found that compared to metabolica­lly-healthy people without obesity, folks with MHO were 4.3 times more likely to have diabetes, 18% more likely to suffer heart attack or stroke, have a 76% higher risk of heart failure, were 28% more likely to develop respirator­y disease and 19% more likely to contend with chronic obstructiv­e pulmonary disease.

Clearly, if you have MHO, you’re at risk for health problems. Our advice: If you’re overweight or obese, get weight-loss support through cognitive behavioral therapy, Overeaters Anonymous or System Oz (at DocotorOZ.com). Consult a nutritioni­st and Dr. Mike’s whenway.com for nutritiona­l advice and recipes. Start a walking program heading to 10,000 steps a day. Say no to MHO.

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