Texarkana Gazette

For Texas Muslims, 9/11 set off a wave of Islamophob­ia that still endures

- By Hojun Choi

DALLAS — Nearly 20 years ago, as he lay on what he feared would be his deathbed, Rais Bhuiyan bargained with God for his life.

Moments earlier, he had been shot in the face with a shotgun by Mark Stroman, a white supremacis­t who in the days after 9/11 targeted people he assumed were Muslim in an Islamophob­ia-fueled shooting spree in Dallas and Mesquite.

“I promised God, ‘If you give me a chance to live, I will do good things in my life. I will dedicate my life to the needy, poor and deprived,’” recalled Bhuiyan, an American of Bangladesh­i descent.

Bhuiyan survived, but Waqar Hasan, a Pakistani immigrant, and Vasudev Patel, an Indian American who was not a Muslim, were slain.

For Bhuiyan and other Muslims, including the tens of thousands who live in North Texas, the Sept. 11 attacks stirred a crescendo of Islamophob­ia that for the next two decades challenged their beliefs about what it means to be American.

“I was in total shock. I couldn’t believe that something had happened to me in my dream country,” Bhuiyan said. “America was a dream country to me.”

Faizan Syed, executive director of the D-FW chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said the advocacy organizati­on saw a sharp rise in Islamophob­ia immediatel­y after 9/11. But anti-Muslim sentiments receded to pre-9/11 levels about a year after the attacks, he said.

Then, around 2007 and 2008, “we started seeing a dramatic increase in Islamophob­ia that has lasted to this day,” Syed said. “The reason is that Islamophob­ia became politicize­d.”

Conspiracy theories about the birthplace and religion of former President Barack Obama contribute­d to a second post-9/11 surge of anti-Muslim sentiment, Syed said. The second wave of Islamophob­ia led to controvers­y around plans to build a mosque near the former World Trade Center site, and a push in multiple states to pass “anti-Sharia” laws.

In line with Syed’s perspectiv­e, the total number of Islamophob­ic assaults, murders and non-negligent manslaught­ers spiked from 12 cases in 2000 to 93 in 2001, according to FBI hate crime data.

That number dropped significan­tly in the years immediatel­y following 2001, but started trending upward after 2008 before peaking in 2016 with a post-9/11 high of 127.

Voices behind the numbers

Behind all the statistics, however, are the stories of Americans who, despite having nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks and those involved, faced civil rights violations, microaggre­ssions at work and school, and social pressures to hide their faith. Some left the U.S. altogether.

Razan Bayan, 19, is a Southern Methodist University sophomore who was born after 9/11. One of her earliest memories, she said, is of her parents sitting her down to tell her about the terrorist attacks.

“They told me that some years ago, there were these really bad people who planned an attack, and because they were Muslim, that a lot of people blame us for it now, and that’s just the state of the world,” Bayan said.

As a Muslim woman who wears a hijab, Bayan said, she has often been asked misguided and even blatantly offensive questions about her religion. But comments from people trying take a moral high ground — remarks, for instance, that Islam is a sexist religion that forces women to hide their bodies — undermine the personal decisions of women who embrace the teachings of the faith, she said.

With increased coverage of Afghanista­n because of the U.S. military’s abrupt evacuation from that country last month, Bayan said she worries that people will again falsely equate all of Islam with the actions of the Taliban.

“I would not be a Muslim if I thought Islam was a hindrance against women’s rights. I think for myself,” she said. “I think Islam, its teachings and its doctrine is more respectful towards women than any religion or culture, and that is one of the reason why I am Muslim.”

A catalyst for activism

Yasir Qadhi is resident scholar of the East Plano Islamic Center, one the largest mosques in North Texas. Qadhi was pursuing a master’s in Islamic studies in Saudi Arabia when he saw the Twin Towers fall. He said the event gave him a renewed longing to return to the U.S.

“Pre-9/11, I was really discoverin­g myself, trying to figure out what I wanted to do, where I wanted to live my life. But post-9/11, I really felt that this is my land, and that I needed to come back here,” Qadhi said. “I felt like my land was misunderst­anding my faith, and I love my faith.”

Qadhi said that although he knows of Muslims who hid their faith for fear of being singled out in the 20 years after 9/11, he also saw many double down on their love of Islam. Anti-Muslim sentiments also spurred political activism in the community, he said.

“Many of us realized that this is my land and this is my faith, (and) we’re going to have to explain to the rest of our countrymen that this is the reality of our faith,” he said. “So a lot of people became politicall­y active. It was a catalyst for activism in the Muslim community.”

Muslims were not the only victims

Muslims were not the only victims of post-9/11 Islamophob­ia. The hate against the community also plagued others, such as Sikhs and other non-Muslims of South Asian descent, who were targeted solely for their appearance.

Harbhajan Singh, 65, director of the Gurdwara Nishkam Seva religious and community center in Irving, said Sikhs around the country were harassed and assaulted because of their religious practice of having beards and wearing turbans.

Singh said he remembers how fears in the Sikh community were amplified after the Islamophob­ia-driven murder of Balbir Singh Sodhi on Sept. 15, 2001, in Mesa, Ariz. He said many Sikhs were accosted with the same racial slurs and public harassment faced by Muslims.

But rather than reject or distance themselves from the Muslim community, Singh said, many Sikhs, including those in Dallas-Fort Worth, chose to show solidarity.

“We made connection­s to show them that we support them in their time of need. The Muslim community is as affected by these extremists as perhaps other communitie­s are,” he said. “We felt that the Muslim community was being wrongfully, collective­ly aligned with these extreme views and they need the support of other people to come around to fight against those types of sentiments together.”

Bhuiyan, the Stroman shooting victim, said he believes people who embraced anti-Muslim hate, including the man who tried to kill him, were also victims of Islamophob­ia.

He, along with Irving resident Nadeem Akhtar, the brother-in-law of fellow shooting victim Waqar Hasan, campaigned to save Stroman’s life before he was put to death by injection in 2011. Bhuiyan is now the president and founder of a nonprofit called World Without Hate, which aims to use storytelli­ng to promote peace around the world.

“I saw my attacker as a human being, not just as a killer, and I saw him as a victim too,” said Bhuiyan, who splits his time between Dallas and Seattle. “I realized that hate and revenge may bring temporary satisfacti­on, but it does not bring solutions to any situation; it only brings more disaster.”

Akhtar, who is of Pakistani descent, said he is concerned that recent events in Afghanista­n could trigger another wave of Islamophob­ia like the one that took the life of his sister’s husband. But he hopes that his willingnes­s to forgive people like Stroman can inspire other Americans to come together in the face of anti-Muslim sentiment.

“There is a verse that some who misreprese­nt Islam quote that reads, ‘Life for life, eye for eye,’” Akhtar said. “But right after that verse, the Quran states: ‘But if anyone forgives the revenge by way of charity, it is an act of peace for himself.’”

 ?? Lola Gomez/The Dallas Morning News/TNS ?? A group of Muslim women gather on the second floor of the mosque to celebrate Friday afternoon prayer and lecture on Aug. 27 at the East Plano Islamic Center.
Lola Gomez/The Dallas Morning News/TNS A group of Muslim women gather on the second floor of the mosque to celebrate Friday afternoon prayer and lecture on Aug. 27 at the East Plano Islamic Center.

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