Texarkana Gazette

How Many, How Much?

Why is Texas lawmaker asking about specific books?


Texas state Rep. Matt Krause wants to know what your kids are reading in school. And he’s using his legislativ­e power to find out. Krause is Republican who represents the 93rd District, which includes part of Tarrant Count. He’s currently challengin­g incumbent Ken Paxton for the party’s nomination for attorney general in 2022.

He is also chair of the House Committee on General Investigat­ing. And in the role, as the Texas Tribune reported this week, he sent out a letter to the state’s school districts asking about certain books.

The list of titles runs to 850 and embraces subjects many conservati­ves find controvers­ial, such as race, teen pregnancy, abortion and homosexual­ity. Krause wants to know what titles are in their libraries or classrooms, how many copies they have and how much they spent to acquire the books.

The Texas Tribune said Krause declined to explain why he had chosen these specific books. Or even why he wanted the informatio­n. A letter Krause sent to notify the Texas Education Agency of the investigat­ion didn’t offer any solid reason either, only saying some school districts had recently removed books after objections from “students, parents and taxpayers” and that his committee “may initiate inquiries concerning any ‘matter the committee considers necessary for the informatio­n of the legislatur­e or for the welfare and protection of state citizens.”

We don’t see how any good can come from a politician taking aim at certain specific books without any real explanatio­n. Krause and his investigat­ion bear watching so the good people of Texas can find out just what he’s up to.

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