Texarkana Gazette

Commish defends NHL’s discipline in Chicago scandal

- By Stephen Whyno and John Wawrow

Commission­er Gary Bettman on Monday defended the NHL’s decisions and discipline meted out following an investigat­ion into the Chicago Blackhawks’ handling of sexual assault allegation­s in 2010.

Bettman called the organizati­on’s $2 million fine significan­t and stood by decisions to let Joel Quennevill­e coach one more game and not discipline Winnipeg general manager Kevin Cheveldayo­ff based on his limited role in Chicago’s front office at the time. Quennevill­e resigned as Florida Panthers coach after meeting with Bettman last week.

In his first public comments since the report detailing the Blackhawks investigat­ion was released, Bettman said he did not want anyone to think he was prejudging Quennevill­e, who was Chicago’s coach when allegation­s surfaced that video coach Brad Aldrich sexually assaulted prospect Kyle Beach 11 years ago.

“While it may have optically not been the best look, I was more concerned with the substance than the look,” Bettman said.

Asked if Quennevill­e was given any kind of ultimatum, Bettman said, “Joel ultimately included that the most sensible course of action was for him to resign.”

Cheveldayo­ff is the only person in Blackhawks management at the time who still works for an NHL club. Cheveldayo­ff was present at a meeting about Beach’s allegation­s in May 2010, but the report by former federal prosecutor Reid Schar indicated the former assistant GM was the only one who recalled he was even there.

“Kevin was such a minor player in this,” Bettman said. “He had been with the Blackhawks for nine months. He was an assistant general manager with fairly limited responsibi­lities. This was not something that he not only had no responsibi­lity for — that based on what was available to him in his minor, relatively, position at the time, he had no reason to believe that anything other than the right things were going on.”

Cheveldayo­ff was scheduled to address reporters Monday, though that was pushed back by the Jets because owner Mark Chipman suffered a bout of vertigo over the weekend and insisted on being there for the news conference.

The NHL Players’ Associatio­n has an executive board meeting scheduled for later Monday to discuss how Beach’s allegation­s were handled.

“I know I reported every single detail to an individual at the NHLPA, who I was put in contact with after,” Beach said during his interview on TSN in Canada last week, his first since identifyin­g himself as John Doe. “I believe two different people talked to (NHLPA head) Don Fehr. And for him to turn his back on the players when his one job is to protect the players at all costs, I don’t know how that can be your leader. I don’t know how he can be in charge.”

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