Texarkana Gazette

Manchin wavers on Biden’s plan, Democrats vow to push ahead


WASHINGTON — Pivotal Sen. Joe Manchin wavered Monday on his support for President Joe Biden’s sweep- ing $1.75 trillion domestic policy proposal, but Democratic leaders vowed to push ahead, with initial voting possible on the bill and a related $1 trillion infrastruc­ture package in the House this week.

The West Virginia Democrat’s announceme­nt came as Democrats wanted assurances from Manchin that he will support Biden’s big package. He’s one of two key holdout senators whose votes are needed to secure the deal and push it toward passage.

Instead, the conservati­ve Manchin rebuffed progressiv­e Democrats, urging them to quit holding “hostage” the smaller public works bill as negotiatio­ns continue on the broader package.

“Enough is enough,” Manchin said at a hastily called press conference at the Capitol.

Manchin said he’s open to voting for a final bill reflecting Biden’s big package “that moves our country forward.” But he said he’s “equally open to voting against” the final product as he assesses the sweeping social services and climate change bill.

Democrats have been working franticall­y to finish up months of negotiatio­ns, and it’s unclear whether Manchin’s resistance will deliver a debilitati­ng blow to those efforts or have the opposite effect of propelling Democrats to start taking votes on Biden’s signature domestic proposal. His comments infuriated some Democrats but energized others, particular­ly progressiv­es eager to force his hand.

The White House swiftly responded that it remains confident Manchin will support Biden’s plan, and the congressio­nal leaders said it all remained on track.

“Senator Manchin says he is prepared to support a Build Back Better plan that combats inflation, is fiscally responsibl­e, and will create jobs,” said press secretary Jen Psaki in a statement. “As a result, we remain confident that the plan will gain Senator Manchin’s support.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer both echoed the White House. And progressiv­es insisted it’s time to vote.

Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., the leader of the progressiv­e caucus said, “I don’t know what Sen. Manchin is thinking, but we are going to pass both bills through the House and we are going to deliver transforma­tive change to the people.”

The stakes are high with Biden overseas at a global climate change summit and his party fighting in two key governors’ races this week — in Virginia and New Jersey — that are seen as bellwether­s in the political mood of the electorate.

With Republican­s staunchly opposed and no votes to spare, Democrats have been trying to unite progressiv­e and centrist lawmakers around Biden’s big vision.

Biden unveiled a framework for the package last week, a sizable investment in social service programs and climate change strategies, but Democrats are trying to negotiate a provision to lower prescripti­on drug prices for seniors with Medicare, among other final changes.

At a leadership meeting late Monday, Pelosi said the House Rules Committee could meet as soon as Tuesday evening or Wednesday, which would allow for votes midweek, according to a person who requested anonymity to discuss the private talks. The Senate would still have to vote, likely later in the month.

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