Texarkana Gazette

Texas House Dems call for federal probe into Abbott’s Operation Lone Star

- By Niki Griswold

Fifty Texas House Democrats have sent a letter to the U.S. Department­s of Justice and Homeland Security requesting a federal investigat­ion into Gov. Greg Abbott’s immigratio­n and border policy known as Operation Lone Star, calling the initiative unconstitu­tional and a violation of migrants’ civil and due process rights.

The lawmakers’ chief concern with Operation Lone Star is its novel approach to immigratio­n enforcemen­t: arresting and detaining migrants on state misdemeano­r criminal trespassin­g charges. The letter, sent Wednesday, reads in part: “From its inception, Operation Lone Star has suffered from Constituti­onal deficienci­es that upend our federal system of government. Governor Abbott has unilateral­ly set this state immigratio­n policy and created a system of state immigratio­n enforcemen­t to be carried out by various state agencies.” The letter goes on to argue that the resulting swell of migrant arrests has overwhelme­d local court systems that don’t have the resources to process the cases in a timely manner, and has led to some migrants remaining in state custody for weeks as they wait for a court date, in possible violation of their due process rights. “Gov. Abbott is draining our local criminal justice system and agencies to play politics with our border communitie­s. His creation of a separate criminal prosecutio­n and detention system makes a mockery of the due process rights foundation­al to our nation’s judicial process. Members of the Texas House of Representa­tives seek answers and urge the Department of Justice to intervene and officially investigat­e the legality of this unsustaina­ble and cruel program,” said Rep. Mary González, D-Clint, in a news release sent out with the letter. Operation Lone Star is facing numerous legal challenges over its constituti­onality, including disputes over more than 400 migrant arrests conducted during the program. A state district judge in Austin ruled in one case this month that the policy is unconstitu­tional because it amounts to illegal enforcemen­t of federal immigratio­n laws. Abbott launched Operation Lone Star in March 2021, announcing he was sending thousands of National Guard troops and Department of Public Safety officers to the border to curb a sharp increase in illegal immigratio­n. Abbott has been an outspoken critic of the Biden administra­tion over its handling of the border, and he has widely touted the issue as one of his priorities on the campaign trail as he seeks a third term. “Texas will not sit idly by while President Biden and Texas Democrats support open border policies and abandon any pretense of the rule of law. Instead, Gov. Abbott launched Operation Lone Star to combat the smuggling of people and drugs, including deploying over 10,000 Texas National Guard soldiers and DPS troopers, erecting barriers, and building the Texas border wall to deter crossings,” Abbott spokespers­on Nan Tolson said in a statement to the American Statesman.

But Operation Lone Star recently has faced scrutiny from Republican­s and Democrats, after reports from the Army Times and the Texas Tribune indicated that troops deployed to the border as part of the program are facing poor living and working conditions, as well as regular delays in payment. The reports also drew a connection between the operation and a recent string of suicides and suicide attempts among servicemem­bers at the border.

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