Texarkana Gazette

One way to save special pieces of children’s artwork

- Heloise

Dear Heloise: Many parents have trouble discarding their children’s artwork as it continues to accumulate in boxes or files. When my children were in their 30s, I decided to hang some of their pieces in my garage. Everyday after work, I would drive in the garage to smiles and wonderful memories. My kids got such a big kick out of Mom saving these memories.

Also, I had one piece from each child profession­ally matted and framed. One very good abstract from a 4-yearold is prominent in my living room, and one that is a collection of small drawings and love notes to Mom is in my studio. — Beverly Carr, Ottawa, Ohio

Birds Hitting Windows

Dear Heloise: A beautiful male Scarlet Tanager smashed into our large window and died. The very next day, another beautiful male Scarlet Tanager smashed into the same window and, fortunatel­y, lived. We decided we had to do something.

One idea I found online was to hang reflective metal disks in front of the window. We hung aluminum pie pans up but didn’t like the looks and the noise the pans made hitting the window. Instead of the pans, we hung patriotic windsocks in front of the windows and that did the trick. Not only are we celebratin­g the great country we live in, but the windsocks are pretty and quiet, and protect our beautiful birds. — Diana Coulthard, North Tazewell, Virginia

Keeping Windshield Frost-Free

Dear Readers: If you have to leave your vehicle outside in the cold weather, here’s how to keep those windows free of ice and frost. Coat the windshield, side and rear windows with a mixture of three-parts vinegar to one-part water. It works!

Vinegar is such a useful and safe household product, including for cleaning, deodorizin­g and cooking. My six-page pamphlet full of vinegar uses is a must-have. You can get a copy by visiting www.Heloise. com or by sending $5 and a long, self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Heloise/Vinegar, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. — Heloise

Trapping Flying Insects

Dear Heloise: I keep the door on my screen porch open enough for Bernie, the dog, to access the porch. If a bee or other flying insect gets trapped on the porch, I scoop it up in a child’s toy butterfly net and release the insect off the porch. — Mary H., Arlington, Virginia

Update Contact Info

Dear Heloise: Make sure you keep an updated contact card in your billfold, as names, addresses and phone numbers change.

My friend became a widow. Three weeks later, she had a heart attack while driving. Authoritie­s had a difficult time locating relatives with a different last name. — Mary Daugherty, Springfiel­d, Illinois

Mary, this is important info. Make certain that all your contact informatio­n — and that of your family members — is current to protect you and your family, particular­ly in case of an emergency. — Heloise

Pet Pal

Dear Readers: Cathy M. from Long Island, N.Y., sent in a photo of her 13-year-old pug Teddy, taking a gingerly walk outside in the cool weather. Teddy likes to eat vegetables and fish. He also likes to rub his face in the grass.

To see Teddy and our other Pet Pals, go to Heloise.com and click on “Pet of the Week.” — Heloise

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