Texarkana Gazette

Police investigat­ing killings of 12,000 Ukrainians in war

- By Oleksandr Stashevsky­i

BUCHA, Ukraine — The lush green beauty of a pine forest and singing birds contrasted with the violent deaths of newly discovered victims of Russia’s war in Ukraine, as workers exhumed bodies from another burial site near Bucha on Kyiv’s outskirts.

The hands of several victims were tied behind their backs. The gruesome work of digging up the remains coincided with the Ukrainian police chief’s report that authoritie­s have opened criminal investigat­ions into the killings of more than 12,000 people during Russia’s war.

Workers in white hazmat suits and wearing masks used shovels to exhume bodies from the soil of the forest, marking each section with small yellow numbered signs on the ground. The bodies, covered in cloth and dirt, attracted flies and were dragged by rope.

“Shots to the knees tell us that people were tortured,” said Andriy Nebytov, head of the Kyiv regional police. “The hands tied behind the back with tape say that people had been held (hostage) for a long time and (enemy forces) tried to get any informatio­n from them.”

Since the withdrawal of Russian troops from the region at the end of March, the authoritie­s say they have uncovered the bodies of 1,316 people.

One site reporters saw near Bucha on Monday was a mass grave, where the horrors of the killings shocked the world after a regional Russian withdrawal earlier in the war. Reporters on Monday saw a mass grave just behind a trench dug out for a military vehicle. The bodies of seven civilians were retrieved from the mass grave. Two of the bodies were found with their hands tied and gunshot wounds to the knees and the head, Nebytov said.

National police chief Igor Klimenko told the Interfax-Ukraine news agency on Monday that criminal investigat­ions into the deaths of more than 12,000 Ukrainians included some found in mass graves. He said the mass killings of people resulted from snipers firing from tanks and armored personnel carriers. Bodies were found lying on streets and in their homes, as well as in mass graves. He didn’t specify how many of the more than 12,000 were civilian and military.

Complete informatio­n about the number of bodies in mass graves or elsewhere isn’t known, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told the American Jewish Committee on Sunday. He cited the killings of two children who died with their parents in the basement of an apartment building in Mariupol in a Russian bombing.

Zelenskyy, who is Jewish and lost relatives in the Holocaust, asked:

“Why is this happening in 2022? This is not the 1940s. How could mass killings, torture, burned cities, and filtration camps set up by the Russian military in the occupied territorie­s resembling Nazi concentrat­ion camps come true?”

Other Developmen­ts:

Amnesty Internatio­nal, in a report Monday, accused Russia of indiscrimi­nate use of banned cluster munitions in strikes on Kharkiv, killing and wounding hundreds of civilians.

Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, has been subject to intensive shelling since Russian began attacking Ukraine.

“People have been killed in their homes and in the streets, in playground­s and in cemeteries, while queueing for humanitari­an aid or shopping for food and medicine,” said Donatella Rovera, Amnesty Internatio­nal’s senior crisis Response adviser.

“The repeated use of widely banned cluster munitions is shocking, and a further indication of utter disregard for civilian lives. The Russian forces responsibl­e for these horrific attacks must be held accountabl­e for their actions, and victims and their families must receive full reparation­s,” she added.

The group said it found evidence of Russian forces repeatedly using 9N210/9N235 cluster munitions as well as scatter mines, “both of which are subject to internatio­nal treaty bans because of their indiscrimi­nate effects.” The report cited doctors in Kharkiv hospitals, who showed researcher­s distinctiv­e fragments they had removed from patients’ bodies, as well as survivors and witnesses of the attacks.

 ?? AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd, File ?? Nadiya Trubchanin­ova, 70, cries while holding the coffin of her son Vadym, 48, who was killed by Russian soldiers March 30 in Bucha, during his funeral April 16 in Mykulychi cemetery on the outskirts of Kyiv, Ukraine. Police are investigat­ing the killings of more than 12,000 Ukrainians nationwide in the war Russia is waging, the national police chief said Monday. In the Kyiv region near Bucha, authoritie­s showed several victims whose hands were tied behind their backs.
AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd, File Nadiya Trubchanin­ova, 70, cries while holding the coffin of her son Vadym, 48, who was killed by Russian soldiers March 30 in Bucha, during his funeral April 16 in Mykulychi cemetery on the outskirts of Kyiv, Ukraine. Police are investigat­ing the killings of more than 12,000 Ukrainians nationwide in the war Russia is waging, the national police chief said Monday. In the Kyiv region near Bucha, authoritie­s showed several victims whose hands were tied behind their backs.

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