Texarkana Gazette

Court was right to block the EPA’s power grab

- Derrick Morgan

The Spirit of ’76 is alive and well at the Supreme Court. Back then, the colonials rejected the rule of a faraway, unaccounta­ble government. After securing their freedom, they quickly organized a government that gave Congress, the duly elected representa­tives of the people, responsibi­lity for making national policy decisions.

This week, the Supreme Court acted in accord with that spirit by rejecting a power grab by the Environmen­tal Protection Agency and reserving for Congress the right to set far-reaching climate change policy.

The central question in West Virginia v. EPA came down to this: Who is responsibl­e for determinin­g if carbon emissions are a problem and whether something should be done about it? You may recall that President Barack Obama spent more than a year trying to convince Congress to pass a comprehens­ive bill to reduce emissions as a way of trying to stem climate change. Ultimately, he even threatened Congress, saying that if lawmakers didn’t act to reduce carbon emissions, he would — with his pen and his phone. Yet even though his own party had a House majority and a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, Congress balked at capping carbon emissions.

Obama followed through on his threats in the form of the “Clean Power Plan” — the EPA’s proposal to force whole states and utilities to stop using fossil fuels in favor of less reliable, and often more expensive, sources like wind and solar. Always inventive, Obama asserted that the EPA could stretch the authoritie­s in the Clean Air Act, written in 1970 to deal with toxic pollutants.

Up to that point, the law had been used to reduce toxic emissions source by source, using the best available technology. So, for example, the EPA could require an available scrubber be added to a coal plant to reduce sulfur dioxide. Now, Obama claimed, the EPA could use a systems approach and require states and utilities to switch fuel sources altogether, essentiall­y completely remaking the entire electricit­y grid.

Several states, led by West Virginia, sued the EPA. They got their hearing before the Supreme Court this February. On Thursday, the court ruled that Congress must specify authority clearly for an agency to be authorized to implement a policy of such vast economic and political significan­ce.

Justice Antonin Scalia once wrote that Congress does not “hide elephants in mouseholes.” Yes, agencies can “fill in the blanks” where they are given direction, for example, by setting the amount of sulfur dioxide that can come out of a coal plant. But they cannot take it upon themselves to change the entire electricit­y grid.

No matter what your view of climate change, we should all agree that Congress is the right venue to have this issue debated and decided. Unlike the EPA’s employees, who can’t be voted out of office, lawmakers are accountabl­e to “We, the People.” Representa­tives and Senators can make compromise­s that include carefully considered trade-offs, and their work will endure past one administra­tion.

President Joe Biden has pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50-52% by 2030. My colleagues at The Heritage Foundation estimate that taking the steps needed to make such drastic reductions would result in nearly 8 million lost jobs in 2026, a 90 percent increase in gasoline prices, and a more than $7 trillion hit to the economy. That’s vast economic significan­ce, indeed.

Now, thanks to the West Virginia v. EPA decision, Biden’s climate plans and the inevitable trade-offs can be examined through hearings and a robust debate by representa­tives who are accountabl­e to the people.

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