Texarkana Gazette

Tears at the end of a pet’s life


Dear Heloise: Many vets will now come to your home to euthanize your beloved pet at the end of their lives. Not only were we able to hold and pet our Shih Tzu, Alex, when he was at his end, but he also was in his favorite room on his bed. The vet then took him and had him cremated. A week later, we were able to pick up his ashes. I read your column in the Willimanti­c Chronicle. — Rusty Lanzit, via email


Dear Heloise: I’ve got a quick fix for pant zippers that won’t stay up when worn. Put a large safety pin through the hole of the zipper. When you zip up your pants, simply put the button of the pants through the closed zipper (like it’s a buttonhole), and then button your pants normally. The zipper won’t slip down, no one can see it, and it’s easy to “unbutton” when you need to. — Laura, in North Carolina


Dear Readers: Keep your dishwasher hoses and drains clean and smelling fresh by adding vinegar to the rinse cycle every two or three months.

Vinegar is such an indispensa­ble and safe household product, which can be used for cleaning, deodorizin­g and cooking, as you have discovered. I’ve put together a six-page pamphlet full of vinegar uses that you can have by visiting www.heloise.com or by sending $5 and a long, self-addressed, stamped (84 cents) envelope to: Heloise/vinegar, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001.

FYI: If you want to paint a galvanized can or bucket, wipe it down with full-strength vinegar so that the paint will adhere more easily. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: For those who love the clear, lucite plastic coffee mugs that get stained over time with daily coffee or tea — turn the faucet on to hot, plop a denture tablet into each clean mug and fill with hot water. Let sit for several hours. Wash and dry — they will shine like new. — Judy P., San Antonio


Dear Heloise: I am 90 years old and a widower. When I fix my evening dinner every night, I often skip cooking vegetables — too much trouble. But I just figured out a solution. Grocery stores sell salad kits consisting of a bag of greens with salad dressing and other things like crumbled croutons and shredded cheese. I cook a bag of frozen mixed vegetables in my microwave oven, cool them in my refrigerat­or and mix them in a bowl with all the things from the salad kit. The result: Four nights of a really good, healthful side salad to go with my meat and potatoes. — Richard Holmen, Trabuco Canyon, California


Dear Heloise: Bobo is my “cute” 12-year-old rescue dog. Each morning, he grabs his empty bowl and starts running throughout the house. I have to chase him for several rounds, and then hide until he finds me. Then, I get a kiss from him on the cheek, and he gives me the bowl. “The Game” is his favorite daily activity. — Nancy Berger, via email

Readers, to see Bobo and our other Pet Pals, go to Heloise.com and click on “Pet of the Week.”

Do you have a furry friend to share with our readers? Send a photo and a brief descriptio­n to Heloise@heloise.com. — Heloise

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