Texarkana Gazette

Debt ceiling disaster may just be politics as usual


WASHINGTON — Today’s dispute about raising the government’s borrowing limit might produce an anesthetiz­ing boredom because such contretemp­s occur frequently. And because this one probably will end, as 11 of the 14 since 2008 have (including three during the previous administra­tion), with other measures attached to an increase of the limit. Some people, however, who are fluent in today’s vocabulary of catastroph­e (the planet is boiling, democracy is dying, etc.) think there is a risk of a default that will blow prosperity to rags and atoms.

Actually, there is a name for what is occurring: politics. Republican­s are resisting progressiv­es’ usual three priorities: unrestrain­ed spending, unconstrai­ned presidenti­al power, and unlimited deference by Congress to the administra­tive state’s regulatory agencies.

House Republican­s have been prone to fractiousn­ess. And to fantasies, e.g., promising to balance the budget in 10 years, which the Committee for a Responsibl­e Federal Budget says would require cutting nondefense discretion­ary spending 85%. Now, however, they are united and realistic. They have coupled raising the debt ceiling with some measures as moderate as they are sensible.

One is restraint in the rate of increase of the small (15%) discretion­ary nondefense spending portion of the budget: The House GOP proposal: 1% annual increases after going all the way back to the spending level of — brace yourself — 2022.

House Republican­s’ most important provision is designed to partially revive the much diminished — the largely self-diminished — role of the legislativ­e branch. It would combat the leakage of legislativ­e branch responsibi­lities to the executive branch. It would require Congress to participat­e, more than it often wants to, in governing. The provision stipulates that all “major” regulation­s (those with annual economic impacts of at least $100 million) shall not go into effect until Congress takes responsibi­lity by explicitly approving them.

This assertion of congressio­nal power would combat executive aggrandize­ment and somewhat reverse the marginaliz­ation of Congress. It accords with Republican­s’ refusal to comply with President Joe Biden’s ukase to Congress regarding the borrowing limit: Stay out of governing. Pipe down and raise the ceiling unconditio­nally.

Biden’s need to climb down from his refusal to negotiate with the legislatur­e — which enacted the debt ceiling — is related to the fact that he is the most rhetorical­ly clumsy president since the invention of broadcasti­ng. In a 16-month span, he has given three of the worst speeches — shrill, divisive, untethered from facts — in the 234-year history of presidenti­al rhetoric.

Atlanta, Jan. 11, 2022: Georgia’s new voting laws are “Jim Crow 2.0” and “voter suppressio­n.” (Ten months later, Georgians broke the state’s midterm turnout records.)

Philadelph­ia, Sept. 1, 2022: The nation’s “foundation­s” are threatened by extremists who “do not believe in the rule of law.” (This, from a president repeatedly reprimande­d by the Supreme Court for his extralegal, anti-constituti­onal executive highhanded­ness regarding vaccine mandates, rent moratorium­s, the Environmen­tal Protection Agency presuming to redesign the electric power industry, and — perhaps, soon — student loan forgivenes­s. So far, Biden has not uttered a peep against progressiv­es’ itch to delegitimi­ze the Supreme Court by enlarging it.)

To Howard University, May 13: Assaults on “our right to vote” are coinciding with Black history “being erased” by a “ferocious pushback” from “sinister” forces so powerful they are achieving erasure despite the vigilance of Biden, democracy’s savior. (Spoken 10 weeks after Black History Month.)

The sound you hear is the rustling of chickens coming home to roost. A critical mass of Americans probably has come to the conclusion that Biden does not mean what he says. The public’s cynicism does not matter much when he is just emitting noise about how the survival of what George Washington founded and Abraham Lincoln preserved now depends on … him. His flapdoodle is, however, important when he says: Trust me, I will negotiate serious spending restraints and other reforms — but only after Republican­s forfeit their leverage regarding the debt ceiling.

Progressiv­es’ unvarying agenda is to concentrat­e power in Washington, to concentrat­e Washington power in the executive branch, and to concentrat­e ever more of that power in administra­tive agencies that are effectivel­y exempt from being accountabl­e to people who are accountabl­e to voters. Hence progressiv­es’ impatience with the Constituti­on and its separation of powers.

This rivalry between the branches usually gives each party the power to stymie the other sufficient­ly to compel compromise. Unless the president considers this institutio­nal architectu­re unreasonab­le, even unintellig­ible. Ohio’s John Sherman (18231900), senator and secretary of state, warned us: “The Constituti­on provides for every accidental contingenc­y in the executive — except a vacancy in the mind of the president.”

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