Texarkana Gazette

Eyes in the Sky

Would you favor more security cameras in public spaces?


Recently, the Libertaria­n think tank the Cato Institute conducted a survey of 2,000 Americans. One question asked, “Would you favor or oppose the government installing surveillan­ce cameras in every household to reduce domestic violence, abuse and other illegal activity?”

About 75% of respondent­s were against the idea. But about 14% favored such cameras and 10% were undecided.

The results were skewed by age. Younger respondent­s were much more accepting of the idea than older Americans.

In-home cameras are an extreme, but in Europe security cameras are common in public spaces and along roads. Indeed, in places like London it’s hard to move about the city without being caught on video. Some find this unsettling. But the cameras have proved instrument­al in solving some high profile crimes and finding missing persons.

There have been suggestion­s the U.S. use cameras to a greater extent in the interest of public safety. But others say the cameras violate citizens’ privacy rights.

What about you? Would you favor more surveillan­ce cameras in public places and roads in the U.S.? Or do you feel the cameras are too intrusive?

Send your response (50 words maximum) to opinion@texarkanag­azette.com by Wednesday, June 28. You can also mail your response to the Texarkana Gazette Friday Poll, at P.O. Box 621, Texarkana, TX 75504 or drop it off at our office, 101 E. Broad St, Texarkana, Ark. Be sure to include your name, address and phone number. We will print as many responses as we can in next Friday’s paper.

Last Week: Boycott or Not?

Last week’s question was about boycotting a business over political or cultural issues. Would you boycott a business because you disagree with its stance on cultural or political issues?

Well let’s put it this way, I don’t buy at Chick Fil A or Hobby Lobby because of their so called religious, hypocritic­al and discrimina­tory way of thinking. And that has been my personal feelings for years. Now to stop buying beer because you have MAGA haters, that can’t think for themselves and have to join the masses because they’re told to, is a problem. I hope they realize that Trump has stock in Anheuser Busch (Bud Light), they’re only hurting him. — R.K., Texarkana, Texas

From facebook.com/texarkanag­azette

■ Add this to the ever expanding list of things christo-fascist conservati­ves are offended by. Here is a small list of things conservati­ves go bonkers over: Cracker Barrel, Bud Light, Mickey Mouse, NFL, Ben n Jerrys, CRT, Legos, Target, Sesame Street, immigrants, French fries (remember that one?), Dixie Chicks, and happy holidays. With that, conservati­ves are surely exhausted and cannot seem to muster enough outrage at things like poverty and institutio­nal racism. What will it be next?

■ Acknowledg­ing the existence of ALL minority/ marginaliz­ed folks, be that because of race/ethnicity/gender/ national origin/age/religion/sexual orientatio­n/disability is NOT “political.”

■ The more inclusive a business is of all people, or at least makes a good faith effort, I do make note and support them. Folks get so het up about the most asinine stuff that isn’t aimed at them, doesn’t hurt them, and is of no consequenc­e to THEIR existence. Threaten the existence of myself and those I care about. We the People means everyone. Period.

■ It. Is. Not. Political. Yes!!

■ If we boycott every company that supports something we disagree with, lots of people would not survive.

■ The United States was founded on being a melting pot of culture and difference. That separation of church and state was implemente­d for a reason. We have slowly but surely allowed conservati­ve Christiani­ty to barge in and take over. This is where the problem lies. Just because YOU are not gay, or trans, or poor, or black, or etc doesn’t mean you should have the right to tell anyone else what to do with their bodies or their lives. YOUR values aren’t the same as your neighbor and they shouldn’t be. If it doesn’t directly cause you harm, it shouldn’t be any of your business. Period.

■ They won’t get any of my money. Let Gen Alphabet support them and see how long they stay in business.

■ Since when do we boycott “everyone being welcome at our table?” Really??? That’s just sad.

■ Boycott this restaurant we got to stand up for what is right

■ How about they just treat everyone with respect and make good food? No need for all the silliness.

■ Just show respect and love towards people and leave it to God to judge us all.

■ Support more than ever.

■ God teaches us to love one another, we are all his children. Each of us is different and you do not have the right to judge anyone who is LGTBQ. That is God’s job and he does very well without you. Stop eating there but don’t let all the people who work lose their jobs. Go somewhere else. I’m sad because if you ever took the time to have a conversati­on with some of them, you’d find that they are very special, smart, happy, and intelligen­t people. DO NOT BOYCOTT!

■ Jesus Christ. Who are the “snowflakes” again????

■ Do not boycott

■ Boycott if it upsets your sensibilit­ies. If enough people agree, the business will adjust. No need to jump on Socmed to force your tantrums on everyone else like them loud praying folks on the corner in Matthew. They already got their reward and so did you if anybody listened to ya

■ If you boycotted every business that was inclusive of all people you couldn’t eat or shop anywhere

■ Freedom is being free not having choices made for you.

-■ Now who wants to talk about cancel culture? What’s wrong with celebratin­g the diverse nature of human beings! Remember, Jesus never married!

■ Boycott

■ Yes

■ That’s not what Jesus taught, he ate with sinners, sometimes we forget to say what would Jesus do, he loves all not what we do, but gives us a chance to change

■ Boycott

■ No

■ Yes!!

■ No

■ Until all churches are inclusive of everyone, we should ban all non inclusive churches. Any church grooming people for hate should be listed as a terrorist organizati­on. They should lose their tax free status. We should ban all hateful churches and people. Your religion is not my religion. Your religion should have zero control over me. My values are my values. Your values are your values. Your values do not control my values. Stop trying to control people with hate and fear.

■ How bout businesses just do business and leave the politics to the politician­s that are exploiting the lgbtq community for personal gain *cough* democrats.

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