Texarkana Gazette

Hunger in America

United effort only way to solve growing problem of food insecurity


September was Hunger Action Month, where organizati­ons that help feed America’s needy families try to raise awareness of food insecurity.

And now in October comes news that the problem has become even worse.

Last week, The U.S. Department of Agricultur­e released a report showing 10 million more Americans didn’t have enough to eat in 2022 as compared to 2021.

About 12.8% of overall U.S. households were food insure in 2022, up from 10.2% the year before. That’s the largest increase in more than a decade.

Among families with children it’s even worse, with 17.3% being food insecure at least some time in 2022 as opposed to 12.5% in 2021.,

The numbers hit close to home. The USDA ranked Arkansas as the worst state for food insecurity with 16.6% of households facing food insecurity last year. Texas clocked in above the national average at 15.5%

There are a number of reasons for the increase. One is the expiration of pandemic-related extra government support. There is also the proliferat­ion of so-called “food deserts,” mostly rural areas where access to grocery stores is limited.

Inflation plays a key role and, indeed, many of the Biden administra­tion’s critics were quick to latch on to higher prices as the key factor in the increase in food insecurity.

But the other side of higher prices is stagnant wages along with the growth of low-paying service jobs as compared to high-paying jobs in manufactur­ing. People aren’t making more money so their paychecks just don’t stretch as far as they once did.

We admit it’s easy to point out the problems. And even easier to point fingers. The hard part is coming up with effective solutions. It’s up to our elected leaders on both sides of aisle to address this situation. Inflation must be tamed, but so too must the lack of higher-paying jobs and — it must be said — large corporatio­ns making record profits while maintainin­g a pay scale that has employees seeking public assistance even though in work.

Government assistance programs must meet the needs of those they are supposed to help. And there has to be a way to ensure all have access to fresh, healthy food.

It’s a big problem, with a lot of parts, and will only be tackled by a united effort. But there has to be a recognitio­n of the whole problem by elected officials and a will to find answers and do what has to be done.

Food insecurity affects the daily lives of many more Americans than all of the controvers­ial and headline-grabbing moral and social issues politician­s put on the front burner combined. That has to change.

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