Texarkana Gazette



Current employer/leadership position: computer science and Tango Flight teacher at Texas High School

How long: retired after 20 years Branch of military: Air Force When were you drafted or when did you enlist? 5/11/1987

Can you describe a funny moment from boot camp? While at ROTC summer camp in Tacoma, WA and during an inspection of our dorm room when the inspector entered the room, I couldn’t hold it anymore and I let one rip. Started laughing about it and then got chewed out for not maintain proper military decorum.

What are some of the things you remember about adapting to military life? I loved the military and especially getting to travel all over the US and parts of Europe and the Middle East.

Where did you serve? mostly at Barksdale AFB, LA but also in Phoenix, AZ; Sacramento, CA; Minot, ND and Sumter, SC

If you deployed overseas, where and when did you serve? Flew in Secret Squirrel at the beginning of Dessert Storm then deployed to Moron, Spain from end of January, 1991 to the middle of March, 1991. Before OEF, I deployed the Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia from July 1 to July 30, 2001. Then I deployed back to PSAB after 9/11 till December 2001 and again from March to April of 2002.

What fun things did you and your friends do while on deployment? Read a book, watched TV and movies in the theater, played bingo and saw the local communitie­s when possible.

When did you leave the military? 5/31/2007

What are some things you miss about being in the service? What are some you are glad to have left behind?

My fellow service members and the comradery we had while serving. Being TDY or deployed away from my family for extended periods of time.

What led you to choose your current career? How has your military experience helped you with your work? I wanted to be off of work when my children were out of school. I also love to see the light bulb turn on when a student learns something. Yes, I was an instructor radar navigator in the B-52 for 14 years teaching aircrew members how to fly and win. I also taught them many of the required classes to stay current in their positions.

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