Texarkana Gazette

Multivitam­ins may slow memory loss in older adults


A daily multivitam­in may slow memory loss among those 60 and older by about two years, according to a study released recently.

It is the third in a series of studies assessing the cognitive effects of a daily multivitam­in on older adults. And a systematic review, or meta-analysis, of the three studies accompanyi­ng the most recent paper said their cumulative results were similar: The group taking a multivitam­in was two years younger in memory function compared with the group taking a placebo. The meta-analysis was conducted by the same researcher­s who conducted the three studies.

Each study had “nonoverlap­ping” participan­ts and used different methods, producing findings that varied slightly. But collective­ly they add to growing evidence that taking a daily multivitam­in can have a significan­t impact on cognition among older people.

Cognitive decline is among the top health concerns for most older adults, said Chirag Vyas, an instructor in investigat­ion in the psychiatry department at Massachuse­tts General Hospital and the most recent study’s first author. A daily supplement provides “an appealing and accessible approach” to slowing it, he said.

The studies are part of the Cocoa Supplement and Multivitam­in Outcomes Study (COSMOS), a larger body of research examining the health effects of certain dietary supplement­s; it is a collaborat­ion of Massachuse­tts General Hospital, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Columbia University and Wake Forest University.

The most recent study of 573 individual­s found statistica­lly significan­t improvemen­ts in short- and long-term memory - recalling a list of words provided to them during testing, for example - among those taking a multivitam­in. But there was less benefit than in the first study for executive function tasks such as counting backward or timed naming of animals or vegetables, said Joann Manson, chief of Brigham’s division of preventive medicine and co-leader of the COSMOS study with Howard Sesso, associate director of the division.

The first study, which tested participan­ts’ cognition through telephone interviews, showed a 1.8-year delay in memory loss and cognitive aging, whereas the second study, which involved web-based assessment­s, found that the multivitam­in group showed an estimated 3.1 fewer years of memory loss compared with the placebo group. The third study showed a two-year delay in memory loss.

The first study showed a “significan­t” benefit in both memory and executive function, whereas the second study focused primarily on memory, not executive function, Manson said.

Many patients are worried about having Alzheimer’s, said Paul E. Schulz, professor of neurology and director of the Neurocogni­tive Disorders Center at the Mcgovern Medical School at Uthealth Houston. Often, though, it is aging-related normal cognitive decline, he said.

“Then people ask me: ‘I’m glad it’s not Alzheimer’s, but is there anything I can do about it?’” said Schulz, who was not involved in the research. “This study suggests the intriguing possibilit­y that some degree of normal aging can be staved off by simple vitamin supplement­ation.”

“The results are stunning and strong in their consistenc­y,” said Manson, also a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. “Each study shows a slightly different result but, taken together, are a powerful indication of the overall benefits of multivitam­ins on memory and cognitive aging.”

The research - all randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials, considered the “gold standard” in methodolog­y studied 5,000 participan­ts and lasted two to three years. The latest study and meta-analysis appeared Thursday in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

The probabilit­y that these findings would occur by chance is less than 1 in 1,000, according to calculatio­ns in the meta-analysis, Manson said. This increases “the likelihood that these are real effects of the multivitam­ins,” she said.

All studies used a commonly available multivitam­in - Centrum Silver for Adults (age 50+). But, though they haven’t been studied, “any high-quality multivitam­in is likely to provide similar benefits,” Manson said.

“We have three separate studies, plus a combined analysis, that confirm the findings,” she said. “If this were an expensive drug, it would be aggressive­ly marketed, even before there was evidence of long-term safety.” Multivitam­ins are over-the-counter and affordable, and “we already know they are safe when taken for many years,” she said.

The third study and the meta-analysis were funded by investigat­or-initiated grants from Mars Edge, the life sciences division of Mars Inc., and the National Institutes of Health. Multivitam­in and placebo tablets and packaging were donated by the maker of Centrum Silver, Pfizer Consumer Healthcare (now Haleon), which did not provide funding, the researcher­s said.

Sesso additional­ly reported receiving investigat­or-initiated grants from Pure Encapsulat­ions and Pfizer, and honoraria or travel for lectures from the Council for Responsibl­e Nutrition, BASF, NIH and the American Society for Nutrition during the conduct of the study.

The first two studies were racially and ethnically diverse because the interviews took place via telephone or online, while the third was less so because it involved in-person testing of participan­ts confined to the Boston area - a study limitation the researcher­s acknowledg­ed.

Difference­s in participan­ts and methodolog­y probably contribute­d to the variances in the results, Manson said.

“The vast majority of the participan­ts were White, which doesn’t reflect the population of older adults as a whole,” said Christine Kistler, an associate professor of geriatrics at the University of Pittsburgh who was not involved in any of the studies. “I also wish the studies had been conducted over a longer time period.”

Kistler also said that “people may want to hedge their bets and take a multivitam­in, since there is no harm, but I will stick to healthy eating, exercise and good sleep for now.”

Individual­s could obtain essential vitamins and minerals necessary for brain health through healthy food, Manson said. But “many people have deficienci­es in one or more important micronutri­ents important for cognitive function,” among them vitamins B12 andd, lutein and zinc, she said.

The Centrum product contains them. But “that doesn’t mean people should forsake healthy eating because they are taking multivitam­ins,” she said.

Multivitam­ins and minerals are already popular among Americans. More than 39 percent of those older than 60 take them, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“While this study doesn’t replace recommenda­tions to eat a healthy diet, it strengthen­s previous findings, and remains the best evidence there is to take a multivitam­in, at least for people age 60 and over,” said Donald Hensrud, a nutrition specialist at the Mayo Clinic, also not involved in the study.

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