Texarkana Gazette

Republican­s will regret not helping Ukraine

- Hal Brands

Ask historians to name America’s greatest foreign policy blunders, and you’ll often hear a litany of misbegotte­n interventi­ons — Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanista­n and other wars that went awry. But some of America’s biggest failures have been errors of omission rather than commission — cases in which the strategic sin was not doing too much but too little, and in which being overly cautious eventually exacted a terrible price.

Keep this in mind as America’s debate on Ukraine aid reaches its climax: The Senate recently approved a new infusion of assistance, but it faces difficult odds in a fractured, Republican-led House. If Washington doesn’t provide the aid that keeps Ukrainian forces fighting, the fallout will be grave and global, and it will undermine U.S. policy for years to come.

If the U.S. stops supporting Ukraine, no one else can pick up the slack. Europe can provide (and has provided) generous financial assistance, but it can’t provide the warfightin­g equipment Ukraine desperatel­y needs.

Some analysts believe failure will magically strengthen the U.S., by letting it turn decisively to the Indo-pacific theater. In reality, the defeat of Ukraine would create pernicious, wide-ranging effects.

That outcome would send a terrible message, to countries everywhere, about the resolve and strength of America relative to its autocratic adversarie­s. It would undercut momentum toward improving America’s defense industrial base, given that funding for Ukraine is mostly being used to expand production of weapons in the U.S.

A Ukrainian defeat would sow serious instabilit­y in Europe, as a vengeful, militarily mobilized Russia menaces NATO’S Eastern front. It would increase global pressures for nuclear proliferat­ion, as vulnerable countries — Poland, South Korea and Japan, to name a few — conclude that the ultimate weapon is their only means of security and, perhaps, survival. Not least, a Russian victory in Ukraine would shatter the post-1945 norm against the forcible conquest and annexation of territory, thereby pulling the world back toward vicious anarchy.

Don’t buy the argument that cutting Ukraine loose would be a victory for sophistica­ted realism. It would be a triumph for the wing of the Republican Party that knows little and cares less about the indispensa­ble role U.S. power has played in creating the relatively benign world America and so many other countries inhabit today. And given that the U.S. is currently preventing these dismal outcomes at a cost of just 5% to 6% of its annual defense budget — and without putting a single American soldier in combat — such a retreat would constitute one of the great unforced errors in the history of U.S. foreign policy.

If this sounds like an exaggerati­on, perhaps that’s because many critics of American policy are more interested in errors that come from overstretc­h rather than errors that come from under-stretch, even though the latter can more lethal than the former. It is easy to tally the undeniable costs, in blood and treasure, of wars gone haywire in Southeast Asia or the Middle East. Entire libraries are devoted to the trouble America finds due to excessive ambition. Yet the U.S. often gets itself, and the world, in even more trouble when it doesn’t lean forward enough.

It is understand­able, perhaps, that a period dominated by unsatisfyi­ng U.S. military interventi­ons in the Middle East produced an intellectu­al climate in which errors of commission are endlessly catalogued while errors of omission go comparativ­ely unremarked. If ever there was a time to shift that mindset, it is now, as Washington approaches one of its most fateful foreign policy decisions in decades.

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