Texarkana Gazette

State license to shoot migrants?

- Francis Wilkinson

Arizona Republican­s produced legislatio­n last week that would legalize shooting and killing trespasser­s on private land. Essentiall­y, they took an existing law that allows someone to shoot a home invader and extended it outside to the property line — even if the property extends for hundreds of acres.

The bill, which passed the House and moved to the Arizona Senate, makes no specific mention of migrants. But everyone knows what the legislatio­n is really about. A Feb. 27 headline in Axios got right to the point: “Arizona GOP advances bill legalizing killing undocument­ed migrants on suspicion of trespassin­g.”

If you want to see how the law would work in practice, you can look to rural New York, where a carload of young people looking for a friend’s house pulled into the wrong driveway last year. One of them didn’t make it out alive. The owner of the property, Kevin Monahan, addled by fear, shot 20-year-old Kaylin Gillis dead. Monahan testified that he had felt “under siege” by the appearance of cars and a motorcycle at the end of his driveway. Two shotgun blasts, one fatal, were his response.

For Arizona Republican­s, Monahan seems to have had cause to kill— especially if the victims belong to a disfavored class. An Arizona rancher is awaiting trial for shooting at a group of unarmed migrants who were crossing his 170-acre ranch. One of the migrants was killed. Apparently, Republican lawmakers there want to encourage more such shootings.

The primary source, and cheerleade­r, of this aggression masqueradi­ng as law isn’t hard to identify. He was campaignin­g at the Texas border this week.

Former President Donald Trump lies constantly, but he particular­ly seems to relish lying about immigrants

Sometimes Trump utters ahistorica­l nonsense because he is an ignorant man with no grasp of history. But his comments about migrants, delivered in his distinctiv­e Queens patois, itself the product of mixing Dutch, English, Irish, Jewish, Italian, Puerto Rican and other immigrant tongues, are always dishonest with purpose.

The recent murder of Laken Riley in Georgia is a case in point. The body of the 22-year-old nursing student was found in a wooded area at the University of Georgia in Athens. She’d been reporting missing by her roommate after failing to return from a morning run.

On average, 70 women are shot and killed by intimate partners every month. Authoritie­s say Riley and her alleged killer didn’t know each other. But the man charged, 26-year-old Jose Antonio Ibarra, is an undocument­ed migrant from Venezuela, so the crime is useful to the White nationalis­t cause. “Crooked Joe Biden’s Border INVASION is destroying our country and killing our citizens!” Trump wrote on social media in reaction to Riley’s murder.

Arizona legislator­s essentiall­y have taken Trump’s crayon scrawl — INVASION — and repackaged it as legislatio­n. It’s part of a campaign to justify previously unjustifia­ble violence outside the home. Like Stand Your Ground laws, the Arizona legislatio­n would enable a shooter to claim that any killing was a response to fear. The dead party would, of course, be unable to dispute the claim.

Violence, like anti-migrant hysteria, is central to the White nationalis­t cause, which views migration as “invasion” and brown-skinned migrants as targets for lethal force. Texas Governor Greg Abbott treats migrants —including children— as an invading army.

Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, will almost certainly veto the Arizona shooting-gallery legislatio­n if it reaches her desk. But the rage, fear and aggression that inspired it will persist. Too many people enjoy it, and profit by it, for it to stop now.

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