Texarkana Gazette

Hard-right wing of House GOP poised to grow even larger next year


Super Tuesday dealt another blow to the already shrinking bloc of House Republican­s who prefer governance over political performanc­e art, as several below-the-radar races delivered victories for the hard-right faction.

In Alabama, after redistrict­ing thrust two incumbent Republican­s into the same district, Rep. Barry Moore defeated Rep. Jerry L. Carl despite getting outspent by a more than 2-to-1 margin, relying on his ultraconse­rvative credential­s to topple Carl’s establishm­ent-backed campaign.

In Texas, GOP primary voters nominated an election-denying first-time candidate who has promoted conspiracy theories to replace retiring Rep. Michael C. Burgess, R-texas, a genial doctor who is a member of the establishm­ent-friendly Republican Governance Group.

A state representa­tive with overwhelmi­ng backing from local Fort Worth GOP leaders got forced into a runoff election against a little-known businessma­n touting the endorsemen­t of the state’s controvers­ial attorney general. And Republican Rep. Rep. Tony Gonzales, who was censured last year by the Texas GOP for dabbling in bipartisan dealmaking in the Capitol, also got forced into a runoff against a firearms manufactur­er who now runs a Youtube channel focused on far-right ideology.

And while Rep. Steve Womack, R-ark, won, he faced his first stiff primary challenge since his initial win in 2010, narrowly edging out a state legislator who was angry that Womack voted against Rep. Jim Jordan, R-ohio, a MAGA favorite, during the House speaker votes in October.

These are not the races that will determine whether Republican­s or Democrats hold the majority, so little attention gets paid to them by political operatives and the media.

But, as the past 14 months has demonstrat­ed, these races are very critical in determinin­g whether House Republican­s can build a majority that will actually be able to govern in a somewhat normal fashion.

Every time a reliable Republican ally of leadership retires, the door opens for someone to mount an insurgent campaign that has little to do with legislatio­n and a lot to do with theatrical promises of kicking down doors in Congress.

As Republican­s discovered in early January 2023, when it took 15 rounds of voting to craft enough unity to elect a House speaker, the party now has dozens of lawmakers who come from safe seats and will happily oppose must-pass bills to get attention from conservati­ve media and social media sites for their ideologica­l purity.

It’s left their conference virtually ungovernab­le, regularly relying on a vast number of Democrats to bail out House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-LA., whenever he has to pass funding to keep the government open or avoid fiscal calamities such as defaulting on the national debt.

On Wednesday, Johnson could only deliver 132 votes from his side of the aisle and needed 207 Democrats to pass a massive $459 billion plan funding about 30 percent of the federal government.

The bill had to pass on a fasttrack calendar that required a two-thirds majority - about 290 votes if all members vote - because a rump group of hard-right Republican­s will not vote for the procedural step required to establish rules of debate for legislatio­n that would allow a simple majority for passage.

With only two votes to spare from his side of the aisle, Johnson has been left almost powerless in negotiatio­ns as Democrats often know their votes will be decisive to passing something.

“We are team normal. House Democrats are team normal,” Rep. Pete Aguilar of California the third-ranked Democrat in House leadership, told reporters early Wednesday, referencin­g the former president and now presumptiv­e 2024 presidenti­al nominee as the political engine driving the GOP chaos. “House Republican­s and Donald Trump are team extreme.”

House Republican leaders have long stated that their goal in November is not just to retain the majority, but also to grow the majority in a bid to water down the influence of the right-wing faction that has caused such headaches this year.

“We’ve had days where a few people were out, whether it was a missed flight or an illness, or whatever the reason. We didn’t have a functionin­g majority some days because you didn’t have enough people here,” House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA.) said Wednesday in a brief interview.

“If we can grow the majority, you don’t have those kind of challenges as much,” Scalise added.

Should Trump win the presidency, that might lead to its own forced unity, as the most troublesom­e Republican­s often tend to politicall­y genuflect toward his wishes, while his most conservati­ve legislativ­e goals probably would hinge on a dozen or so GOP lawmakers in swing districts.

And if Biden wins reelection, Democrats stand a pretty good chance of flipping the House majority and turning the GOP minority into a far less relevant group.

But, in terms of those Republican­s hoping to see a more traditiona­l group of lawmakers taking charge, Tuesday did not offer much hope.

And with dozens of Republican­s deciding to retire from relatively safe seats, the upcoming primaries the rest of this spring and summer will greatly shape whether Republican­s can get more functional.

The Burgess seat, in the outer suburbs and exurbs around Dallas, offered perhaps the sharpest contrast in current style and its future style.

For more than 20 years, Burgess has voted quite conservati­vely but rarely sought the spotlight, never politicall­y threatenin­g any of the handful of GOP speakers he served under. When he announced his retirement, a sprawling field from across the Republican spectrum jumped into the race, including Scott Armey, son of the former House majority leader Dick Armey, and John Huffman, a socially conservati­ve mayor backed by former governor Rick Perry.

But Brandon Gill, 30, the son-in-law of right-wing author Dinesh D’souza, who has promoted 2020 election conspiracy theories, blew away that field and won the nomination with almost 60 percent of the vote, eliminatin­g the need for a runoff.

Before mentioning any policy position, Gill’s website tell viewers two key details: “Endorsed by President Donald J. Trump & Sen. Ted Cruz.”

A group of establishm­ent-aligned megadonors funded a pair of super PACS that dropped about $2 million in negative ads on Gill’s campaign, to no avail. One of those PACS spent almost $650,000 on negative ads in Alabama against Moore, who did not even raise that much money in this election cycle.

Meanwhile, Carl used his post on the influentia­l Appropriat­ions Committee to wrack up more than $2 million in campaign funds since the start of 2023. His financial backers included two fellow GOP congressme­n from Alabama, Mike D. Rogers, chairman of the powerful Armed Services Committee, and Dale W. Strong, a freshman.

Local political experts noted that Carl had a larger share of his original district in the newly drawn seat, giving him an edge. Some polls gave him the lead. But Moore had the outrage edge, able to distinguis­h himself as the iconoclast who would shout from the hilltops. In December, he was the only lawmaker from Alabama to vote against the annual Pentagon policy bill, which provided big money for the defense bases located in the state.

He cited obscure climate change policy and other culture war issues as reason for his opposition.

 ?? ?? Rep. Michael C. Burgess, R-texas, finishes speaking during a news conference in September. (Elizabeth Frantz for The Washington Post)
Rep. Michael C. Burgess, R-texas, finishes speaking during a news conference in September. (Elizabeth Frantz for The Washington Post)

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