The Advance of Bucks County

Voting district alignment debate lands in court


the lawK”

ee also said that pcott “was very adamant that getting into politics would not be helpful if both sides went down that URDG. ,W wRuOG nRW EH EHnHfiFLDO WR DnybodyK”

pchool board solicitor geffrey pultanikI argues that “the existing three-region plan essentiall­y divides the district in three regions on a north-to-south basisI while the nine-region plan creates a greater east-towest scenarioK”

ee said that CROm should comply with WhH VWDWH (OHFWLRn CRGH Ey hDYLnJ DIfiGDvits of circulator­s attest to the validity of the signatures­K ee said two signatures involved dead peopleK

The district has argued that the district’s plan “achieves the Constituti­onal mandate of one personLone vote far more effectivel­y” than CROm’s petitionK

ee said the “deviations are far larger” under CROm’s petitionK

“Translated another wayI” he saidI “voters would get more equivalent representa­tion” under the school board’s plan versus CROm’s petitionK

The next school board election will not be until the spring of OMNPK The judge will have to render a decision prior to FebK OMNP when candidates start circulatin­g petitions for board seats in prepara- tion for the primary in OMNP and kovember OMNP electionK

pultanik said the school district “is disappoint­ed that the judge did not apply the requiremen­ts of the Election Code that would have resulted in dismissing” CROm’s petitionK

rnder the school board’s three-region FRnfiJuUDW­LRn, WhHUH wRuOG EH WhUHH UHSresenta­tives per regionK

The reapportio­nment is being done to comply with state lawI which requires that voting regions have equal representa­tionK It also assures that voters’ constituti­onal rights are not abridgedK

The total population in the district is TNINSRK

mennsbury’s population by voter regions shows Region N Evardley Borough DnG /RwHU 0DNHfiHOG 7RwnVhLS) hDV D higher population than Region O EFalls 7RwnVhLS DnG 7uOOyWRwn BRURuJh) DnG Region P EFalls Township and Lower 0DNHfiHOG 7RwnVhLS).

rnder the district’s planI Region N would have OPI9OU people EPPKSO perFHnW). 5HJLRn 2 wRuOG hDYH 23,273 (32.70 SHUFHnW). 5HJLRn 3 wRuOG hDYH 23,964 (33.67 SHUFHnW).

In this planI four districts in Region P would merge with Region OK Two Region N districts would be absorbed into Region PI which includes precincts in Falls and /RwHU 0DNHfiHOG.

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