The Advance of Bucks County

Santa’s Big Scene: Carols, cocoa and a tree lighting

- By Petra Chesner Schlatter

YARDLEY BOROUGH – Sipping on hot chocolate, kids waited anxiously for the arrival of Santa Claus as they stood on the sidewalk at the intersecti­on of Afton Avenue and Main Street.

The strains of Christmas music, sung by the Pennsbury Falconaire­s, wafted through the air at the event, which was sponsored by the Yardley Business Assocation.

A huge crowd numbering about 300 people assembled outside of Customers Bank wKHUH WKH WRwn’s RIfiFLDO CKULsWPDs WUHH wDs lit. Usually, the event is held at the Olde Library by Lake Afton, but there is constructi­on blocking the library and the tree that is usually lit.

For the children, it seemed like it took IRUHYHU IRU WKH fiUH WUuFN IURP WKH YDUGOHy0DN­HfiHOG FLUHKRusH WR DUULYH.

The kids were so excited to see Santa atop WKH fiUH WUuFN, FRPLnJ GRwn 0DLn SWUHHW Ln KLs red suit with white fur trim.

He waived his hand, wearing his trademark bright white gloves.

SDnWD CODus SuOOHG Ln Rn WKH fiUH WUuFN, greeting everyone.

“Merry Christmas!!” he said with a jolly voice.

7KH PRPHnW HYHUyRnH wDs wDLWLnJ IRU finDOOy FDPH. WLWK D flLFN RI D swLWFK, WKH EULJKW white lights came on spreading wonderment for the little tykes. Santa did the honors. There was sheer excitement. Sharon Kettles, assistant manager at Customers Bank, escorted Santa Claus into the bank. “It was an honor and a privilege,” Kettles said, smiling.

7RGG 0LOOLJDn EURuJKW KLs fiYH-yHDU-ROG son, Norrin, with him to see Santa.

“He actually greeted him at the door of the bank,” Milligan said of his son. “He shook his hand and he started asking him for the things he wanted for Christmas.”

Believe it or not, Norrin asked for a golf course!!

For Pat Glasson, seeing two of her four grandchild­ren and the other kids talking to Santa Claus was amusing.

“It cracked me up,” she joked. “They got nervous and they forgot what they want for Christmas,” Glasson said.

The kids were all excited while they waited in line. “They were peeking around their parents to get a glimpse of Santa Claus,” she said.

Hannah Glasson, 8, was happy to see the WUHH OLJKW uS, EuW DGPLWWHG WKDW WKH fiUH WUuFN that Santa arrived on was very loud.

“He was nice,” she said of Santa Claus after telling him she wanted Kindle Wood for Christmas.

When asked where the reindeer were, HannDK sDLG, “7KHy wHUH Ln WKH fiUHKRusH UHsWing!”

Her sister, Brighid Glasson, 7, had a little more to say about the absence of Santa’s reinGHHU. “7KHy wHUH DW WKH fiUHKRusH EHFDusH they cannot walk on the street, it will hurt their feet,” she said. “They can only walk on things that are soft – like snow or dirt.”

Brighid, who asked Santa for an iPod, said, “I think he liked me!”

She and her sister wondered why Santa was not wearing his eye glasses.

Brighid said she knows he can see her when KH Ls flyLnJ WKURuJK WKH sNy, EuW wRnGHUs whether he can see her from the North Pole.

Their great-grandmothe­r, Sheila Johnson, enjoyed seeing the girls interact with Santa Claus.

Pat Glasson, the girl’s grandmothe­r, and Johnson were laughing so much at the kids.

“They listened to his every word,” Glasson said.

Many of the children’s eyes expressed their excitement. They were just in total awe – their mouths were wide open.

 ?? Photo by Jeff Goldberg ?? Santa Claus arrives at the tree lighting ceremony aboard Yardley-Makefield Fire Company Tower 80.
Photo by Jeff Goldberg Santa Claus arrives at the tree lighting ceremony aboard Yardley-Makefield Fire Company Tower 80.
 ?? Photo by Jeff Goldberg ?? The Pennsbury Falconaire­s add to the festive holiday mood at the Yardley tree lighting ceremony on Friday.
Photo by Jeff Goldberg The Pennsbury Falconaire­s add to the festive holiday mood at the Yardley tree lighting ceremony on Friday.
 ?? Photo by Jeff Goldberg ?? Children have a holly jolly good time as the Pennsbury Falconaire­s sing holiday songs.
Photo by Jeff Goldberg Children have a holly jolly good time as the Pennsbury Falconaire­s sing holiday songs.
 ?? Photo by Jeff Goldberg ?? Santa welcomes everyone at the tree lighting at Main and Afton.
Photo by Jeff Goldberg Santa welcomes everyone at the tree lighting at Main and Afton.

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