The Advance of Bucks County

Lower Bucks to end baby delivery


BRISTOL - After having evaluDWHG WKH FOLnLFDO DnG finDnFLDO viability of its obstetric program following the exodus of its busiest obstetrica­l practice, Lower BuFNs HRsSLWDO RIfiFLDOs sDLG they will be forced to discontinu­e delivering babies as early as Dec. 31.

During the transition, hospiWDO RIfiFLDOs sDLG WKHy wLOO EH working closely with expectant mothers to make sure their deliveries are performed safely at Lower Bucks Hospital or at other nearby hospitals. In preliminar­y discussion­s, several hospitals have agreed to accommodat­e the ELUWKs DnG WR wRUN WRwDUG finGing homes for the displaced staff PHPEHUs wKR PDy nRW fiOO RSHn positions at Lower Bucks Hospital.

The former administra­tion had been considerin­g closing its obstetrica­l service for a number of yHDUs GuH WR LWs nHgDWLvH finDnFLDO impact and the major investment it would take to keep the program competitiv­e. Given the legal climate surroundin­g the delivery of babies in the Philadelph­ia area and the high cost of malpractic­e insurance for both the hospital and the obstetrici­ans, the recent loss of deliveries associated with the vacating obstetrica­l practice has made it impossible to sustain the progUDP, sDLG KRsSLWDO RIfiFLDOs.

“It is with great regret that we have to end such a wonderful and long-standing service,” said Peter Adamo, CKLHI ExHFuWLvH 2IfiFHU. “BuW if we want to save the hospiWDO DnG SURvLGH fiUsW-FODss FDUH to the community, these sorts of actions are necessary as we rebuild the hospital for long term success.”

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