The Advance of Bucks County


GOP to screen potential candidates


The Newtown Township Republican Committee is holding a screening meeting for potential candidates who sHHN an HlHctHd SRsLtLRn fRr RfficH Rn FHb. 10 at 7 S.P. at thH THPSHrancH HRusH, 5 6. 6tatH 6trHHt, NHwtRwn. ThH following are positions that are open for election: 2 seats for township supervisor and one seat each for tax collectRr, audLtRr and CRuncLl RRcN 6chRRl BRard. All LntHrested person’s wishing to screen for any above position Ls asNHd tR cRntact MLcN PHtruccL at PLcN1973@cRPcast. nHt Rr 267-987-6589.

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