The Advance of Bucks County

Dog park improvemen­t plan takes ‘big step’ forward

- By Petra Chesner Schlatter

MORRfSVfLL­E BOROUGH – The proposed A60,000-improvemen­t plan for the Morrisvill­e Dog Park got another boost from the borough council on Jan. 22.

Councilmem­bers voted unanimousl­y to move forward with the process of applying for a municipal grant under the county’s open space program.

The grant would cover 75 percent of the project’s cost and the remaining 25 percent would be contribute­d by the Friends of the Morrisvill­e Dog Park (FMDP). ko taxpayer money would be used for the project.

FMDP has set aside A15,000 to be used to attain a grant of A45,000 for a total project budget of A60,000.

Peter Gard, president of the Friends of Morrisvill­e Dog Park (FMDP), said the vote in favor of moving forward with the grant process is “a big step.

“te are thrilled to know that we have the borough’s support and can continue with the Bucks County Open Space Grant applicatio­n process,” he told BucksLocal­kews. com

The FMDP will now focus on the details of their improvemen­t plan and continue to work with the Morrisvill­e Environmen­tal Advisory Council (MEAC) and borough council to finalize the specifics so that all parties involved are satisfied, Gard said.

Morrisvill­e Dog Park is located on designated Bucks County Open Space property which has been licensed to FMDP by the Borough of Morrisvill­e to be used specifical­ly for a dog park. fn recognitio­n of the park’s value to the Morrisvill­e community, the borough also contribute­s to park maintenanc­e by regularly mowing the grass and picking up trash and recycling.

Previously, borough council voted 7-0 in favor of the Friends’ improvemen­t concept and suggested that the FMDP move forward with the planning process.

The improvemen­ts include: water fountains for dogs and humans with a lock box spigot enabling a hose connection for tree watering, 23 new trees, permeable pavers in and around the holding penLentran­ce area and the addition of two benches outside of the main entrance.

The FMDP has been in contact with the Morrisvill­e Municipal Authority, the Morrisvill­e Environmen­tal Advisory Council (MEAC), Kris Kern of the Bucks County Municipal Open Space Program, as well as several plumbingLe­ngineer contractor­s to gather specific informatio­n regarding the proposed improvemen­t plan.

Gard said after conversati­ons and a visit with Kern, she “enthusiast­ically believes” that the project is in line with the grant requiremen­ts.

He said that passers-by as well as park users will benefit by the changes at the park.

Gard said he went to the council meeting to make sure that “everyone is on the same page.”

kancy Sherlock, borough council president, advised Gard that the open space requiremen­ts are “extremely vague. They don’t tell you what you can do. ft’s on a case by case basis.”

Gard emphasized that Kern will review the FMDP’s applicatio­n before it goes to the review board.

Annie Milionis, a FMDP member, told council then that Kutztown spent A1 million on its dog park. “te’re putting together a park for considerab­ly less,” she told council.

The price tag of all the proposed improvemen­ts, including the perennial rye grass for the field, is expected to come from FMDP fundraiser­s and private donations as well as from the A344,000 in open space money that the county already has allocated to Morrisvill­e.

The availabili­ty of the open space funding expires in 2014, a point several council members and dog park advocates noted in October 2012.

The popular 2.1-acre dog park, which opened in July 2010, is fenced in. The site is located near the Delaware River in the southern end of the borough and sits alongside the railroad tracks on East Philadelph­ia Avenue between South Delmorr and Riverview Avenues. ft’s open daily from dawn until dusk.

FMDP is a non-profit organizati­on, establishe­d in 2009 by a group of volunteers with a mission to create an off-leash dog park in Morrisvill­e, to enhance community life, Gard said.

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