The Advance of Bucks County

Message from Brian Jeter, LBCCC Chairman


7haQk yRu fRr the RppRrtuQit­y tR VerYe aV yRur ChairPaQ fRr the LRwer BuFkV CRuQty ChaPber Rf CRPPerFe. ,t iV a trePeQdRuV hRQRr.

BefRre we FRQtiQue Rur wRrk tRJether RQ the Qext phaVe Rf eQhaQFiQJ aQd eQriFhiQJ Rur PePberV aQd the buViQeVV FRPPuQity aV a whROe, it iV iPpRrtaQt tR aFkQRwOedJ­e aQd thaQk 6uVaQ RRVQer. AV ChairperVR­Q, 6uVaQ’V tireOeVV fRFuV, aORQJ with her FreatiYe aQd iQVpiratiR­QaO OeaderVhip, pRVitiRQed the ChaPber fRr Qew aQd VuVtaiQed VuFFeVV. Let uV aJaiQ reFRJQize 6uVaQ fRr her PRtiYatiQJ OeaderVhip duriQJ aQ iPpRrtaQt JrRwth aQd traQVitiRQ­aO phaVe at the ChaPber.

AV PaQy Rf yRu kQRw, the ChaPber haV FRQtiQued tR eYROYe with the OiJht Rf pRVitiYe JrRwth QRw befRre uV. FRrPer GE ChairPaQ &CE2 -aFk WeOFh Vaid it weOO, “WiOOiQJQeV­V tR FhaQJe iV a VtreQJth, eYeQ if it PeaQV pOuQJiQJ part Rf the FRPpaQy iQtR tRtaO FRQfuViRQ fRr a whiOe.” 7hRuJh tRtaO FRQfuViRQ waV QRt QeFeVVary, FertaiQOy the wiOOiQJQeV­V tR FhaQJe FRPbiQed with VtrateJiF OeaderVhip aQd fRFuV haV eQabOed the ChaPber tR VhRw ViJQV Rf PuFh Qeeded prRJreVV. AV Vtated at the -uQe AQQuaO PeetiQJ, the ChaPber haV traQVitiRQ­ed iQtR a PRre reOeYaQt, YibraQt aQd JrRwiQJ RrJaQizati­RQ. AV a reVuOt, thiV buViQeVV FRPPuQity wiOO QRw FRQtiQue tR Vee a ChaPber aV the “VRiFe Rf BuViQeVV” tRday aQd iQ the future.

WhiOe RQ the heeOV Rf JrRwth aQd RppRrtuQit­y at the ChaPber, aV a buViQeVV FRPPuQity aQd RrJaQizati­RQ we PuVt dR PRre. EYery RQe Rf tRday’V PePberV aQd Rur future PePberV PuVt FRQtiQue driYiQJ Rur effRrtV tR be aFtiYeOy eQJaJed iQ the ChaPber’V RYeraOO PiVViRQ. 7hat’V riJht, the PiVViRQ! YRur ChaPber QRt RQOy prRYideV the PeFhaQiVP tR dR buViQeVV but aOVR exePpOifie­V the RppRrtuQit­y tR bridJe aQd buiOd reOatiRQVh­ipV iQ aQd RutVide the buViQeVV FRPPuQity. LeYeraJe yRur ChaPber aVVetV aQd be eQJaJed duriQJ thiV exFitiQJ, Qew tiPe with thiV ChaPber, YRur ChaPber. 0Rre pRVitiYe FhaQJe wiOO FRQtiQue tR RFFur. EPbraFe the FhaQJe aQd Oead with uV.

,Q FORViQJ, a VpeFiaO thaQkV tR the ExeFutiYe CRPPittee, BRard Rf DireFtRrV, aQd CRPPittee ChairV. We aOVR wRuOd be rePiVV QRt tR VhRw appreFiati­RQ aQd kudRV tR DaQ aQd the ChaPber Vtaff fRr aOO their hard wRrk, dediFatiRQ, aQd iQ partiFuOar fRr exeFutiQJ a YiViRQ tR PRYe the ChaPber forward.

, ORRk fRrward tR the FRPiQJ year with FhaOOeQJeV aQd exFitiQJ RppRrtuQit­ieV that VtaQd befRre uV aV a ChaPber aQd buViQeVV FRPPuQity iQ BuFkV CRuQty. Let’V FRQtiQue tR puVh ahead aQd wRrk FROOabRrat­iYeOy VR the ChaPber FaQ Pake a differeQFe fRr yRur buViQeVV aQd the FRPPuQity at OarJe.

Brian Jeter CRPFaVt CabOe 6peaker: Beth Lee BrRwQiQJ, DiVFRYer YRur CuVtRPerV CRVt: 0ePber $45, 1RQ-0ePber $55 Bucks Business Connect 7hurVday, -uOy 11, 8 - 9:15 a.P. at RadiVVRQ HRteO, 2400 2Od LiQFROQ Hwy., 7reYRVe 6pRQVRr: Edward -RQeV ,QYeVtPeQtV 6peaker: 3eter AdaPR, ReJiRQaO Chief ExeFutiYe 2ffiFer, RRxbRrRuJh 0ePRriaO HRVpitaO aQd LRwer BuFkV HRVpitaO 3rRJraP: ReYitaOizi­QJ yRur CRPpaQy CRVt: Free with adYaQFe reJiVtrati­RQ volunteer vardley MakefieOd Fire CRPpaQy haV reVpRQded tR 257 FaOOV. FRr PRre iQfRrPatiR­Q aQd piFtureV abRut the fire FRPpaQy, pOeaVe JR tR www. yardOeyPak­efieOdfire.FRP. 1ew PePberV are aOwayV weOFRPed.

 ??  ?? Brian Jeter, Chairman of the LBCCC
Brian Jeter, Chairman of the LBCCC
 ??  ??

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