The Advance of Bucks County



he peach is a treat of summer and we will enjoy yet another month of peaches, so let’s make the most of it. These beauties are loaded with vitamins A and C DnG KDYH WKUHH JUDPs RI fiEHU. 7KHy SODJuH us wLWK only about 70 calories, give or take, considerin­g size. aid you know that the peach is a relative of the rose? Nor did I.

New Jersey grows a fabulous peach, as I have seen at the farm stands, driving down to the beach. Georgia touts itself as the state thereof, yet the peach’s origin can be traced back to Persia and the silk road. Prunus Persica is the botanical name for the peach and makes a direct reference to Persia. China is the largest producer of peaches.

The tart and sweet taste lend the peach to play roles in both sweet and savory dishes. While we mostly enjoy SHDFKHs IUHsK RU Ln D GHssHUW, wH FDn finG WKH SHDFK Ln D salsa or chicken salad. Peach salsa spooned over a grilled chicken breast or grilled tuna steak is delicious and novel.

Peach preserves are a great way to carry summer-sweet peaches into the cold winter months. The process may take D OLWWOH WLPH, EuW WKH UHsuOW Ls wRUWK LW. 7KH MDUs sSHFLfiF IRU “canning” are sold in regular grocery stores. Follow the directions included with the jars. Preserves make a great hostess gift at the holidays.

Let’s give credence to the traditiona­l peach creations. Peach cobbler and peach pie make the list. A favorite among my family is simple sliced peaches with blueberrie­s

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