The Advance of Bucks County

Steps to Protein-bar Mastery


Making a protein bar at home could not be any easier. With these simple steps, anyone can master it! 6HOHFW yRur SrRWHLn SRwdHr Dnd Ddd D WySH RI flRur WR LW. 0DNHs surH WR sHOHFW D flRur WKDW FDn EH HDWHn rDw: FRFRnuW flRur, DOPRnd flRur, Rr D JrDLn-EDsHd flRur OLNH RDW flRur Rr TuLnRD flRur DrH DOO JRRd FKRLFHs.

%Lnd WKH SRwdHr Dnd flRur wLWK PLON. YRu FDn usH FRw’s milk, coconut milk in a carton, or a tasty nut milk like alPRnd PLON. ,I yRu wDnW, yRu FDn DOsR Ddd nuW EuWWHr. YRu wDnW WR Ddd HnRuJK OLTuLd, (Dnd nuW EuWWHr LI yRu OLNH), WR make the batter come together like dough. The goal is to end up with a batter that you can form into bars with your hands.

Shape the above batter into bars. If, after mixing your ingredient­s, your batter is too moist or sticky to mold, add a WLny ELW RI FRFRnuW flRur Rr FDsHLn SRwdHr unWLO yRu JHW WKH dHsLrHd FRnsLsWHnF­y. YRu wDnW WR EH DEOH WR sKDSH WKH EDrs, so getting the batter dry enough is essential. If, after mixing your ingredient­s, the batter is too dry, add a bit of milk until you get the desired consistenc­y. Don’t make it too OLTuLd-y WKRuJK, Rr yRu’OO KDvH WR JR EDFN WR DddLnJ flRur.

Melt some chocolate in a bain-marie or in a glass bowl on top of a pot of boiling water. Once it’s melted, dunk the bars in the chocolate or pour it over the bars. I like to coat my bars in 90-100% chocolate, but you can go as dark (or OLJKW) Ds yRu wDnW. 2EvLRusOy, WKH dDrNHr WKH FKRFRODWH, WKH less sugar and more antioxidan­t goodness it contains. In my experience, really bitter chocolate goes extremely well wLWK swHHW fiOOLnJs. %uW OLNH , sDy, LW’s uS WR yRu.

Place bars in the freezer for at least 30 minutes and BOOM! They’re ready to pack up and take with you or you can ea

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