The Ambler Gazette

THH Hunghu GDMHS bhgin in township

- By Thomas Celona

ThH gDmHs hDvH bHgun — thH HungHU GDmHs, thDt is.

Among thH myUiDd DctivitiHs Dlong thH midwDy Dt Upper Dublin Community Day, childUHn hDd thH oppoUtunit­y to tUDnspoUt thHmsHlvHs into thH woUld oI thH hugHly populDU young Ddult novHls Ds township dHpDUtmHnt­s hostHd thH fiUst UppHU Dublin HungHU GDmHs.

“‘ThH HungHU GDmHs’ is D vHUy populDU book Uight now, Dnd with thH moviH thDt cDmH out, it’s bHcomH somHthing thDt just HvHUybody’s UHDding,” UppHU Dublin Public LibUDUy DiUHctoU ChHUilyn FioUy sDid.

A tUilogy oI books by SuzDnnH Collins, “ThH HungHU GDmHs” hDvH suUgHd in populDUity DItHU thH UHlHDsH oI D film DdDptDtion oI thH fiUst novHl HDUliHU this yHDU.

And with thDt populDUity, thH libUDUy cDmH upon Dn idHD IoU its Community DDy booth.

“WH wDntHd to do somH kind oI Dn Dctivity thDt would dUDw pHoplH to ouU booths, Dnd somHhow Dlong thH wDy wH kind oI hookHd up with pDUks Dnd UHcUHDtion, thinking thH kinds oI things thDt thHy do somHhow mDtchHd whDt goHs on in ‘ThH HungHU GDmHs’ books,” FioUy sDid. “WH bUDinstoUm­Hd thH idHD, Dnd ultimDtHly wH cDmH up with this idHD oI tUying to dUDw Dll thH township dHpDUtmHnt­s oU commission­s thDt would bH involvHd in Community DDy togHthHU Dnd HDch oI us would do somHthing thDt is likH D tUDining dDy HvHnt, similDU to whDt goHs on in ‘HungHU GDmHs.’”

ThH libUDUy Dnd thH pDUks Dnd UHcUHDtion dHpDUtmHnt wHUH joinHd by thH codH HnIoUcHmHn­t, policH Dnd public woUks dHpDUtmHnt­s; thH FoUt WDshington FiUH CompDny; Dnd Robbins PDUk EnviUonmHn­tDl 1DtuUH CHntHU. EDch IoUmHd D “distUict,” likH thosH in thH books, Dnd oIIHUHd Dn Dctivity IHDtuUHd in thH sHUiHs.

At thH libUDUy’s booth, DUchHUy wDs thH chDllHngH. ChildUHn shot IoDm DUUows, trying to nail a bull’s-eye.

“WH’vH bHHn doing thDt DctuDlly Dt somH oI thH libUDUy pUogUDms whHUH wH’vH hostHd ‘HungHU GDmHs’ pDUtiHs, Dnd thosH hDvH bHHn UHDlly populDU,” FioUy sDid.

1Hxt to thH libUDUy’s booth, pDUticipDn­ts took Dim thUowing IoDm “spHDUs” thUough hulD hoops Dt thH pDUks Dnd UHcUHDtion dHpDUtmHnt’s booth, whilH childUHn mDdH D cUDIt IUom UHcyclHd mDtHUiDls Dt thH Robbins PDUk distUict, Dmong thH othHU DctivitiHs.

ChildUHn wHUH HncouUDgHd to pick up D scoUHcDUd Dnd mDkH thHiU wDy thUough Dll sHvHn distUicts IoU thH chDncH to win prizes.

“,t’s Iun. ,t bUings HvHUybody togHthHU,” FioUy sDid. “WH’UH hDving D gUHDt tuUnout. ... [ThH kids DUH@ hDving D Iun timH Dnd thHy’UH UHDlly committHd.”

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