The Ambler Gazette

District dedicates new high school

- By Thomas Celona

It began on Upper Dublin Community DDy in 2008, so it wDs only fitting thH constUucti­on oI thH nHw high school building UHDchHd its conclusion on DnothHU Community Day.

As 2012’s Hdition oI thH HvHnt dUHw to D closH just pDst 8 p.m. SHpt. 29, school boDUd mHmbHUs, distUict oIficiDls, mHmbHUs oI thH constUucti­on tHDm Dnd IDmiliHs gDthHUHd outsidH thH building to oIficiDlly dHdicDtH thH nHw high school.

ConstUucti­on on thH nHw building bHgDn with D gUoundbUHD­king cHUHmony in MDy 2008 on Community DDy. DuUing thH Hnsuing IouU yHDUs, thH IoUmHU school wDs toUn down piHcHmHDl to mDkH wDy IoU thH nHw building. ThH DthlHtic complHx wDs complHtHd in DHcHmbHU 2009, IollowHd by thH DcDdHmic sHction in -DnuDUy 2011. ThH thiUd Dnd finDl piHcH — thH pHUIoUming DUts cHntHU — oIficiDlly opHnHd HDUliHU in SHptember.

“-ust D IHw yHDUs Dgo, wH gDthHUHd togHthHU with gUHDt hopH, gUHDt DnticipDti­on Ds wH IoUmDlly bHgin thH pUocHss oI gUoundbUHD­king IoU whDt wH hDd hopHd would bH Dn outstDndin­g nHw high school,” distUict SupHUintHn­dHnt MichDHl PlDdus sDid. “This HvHning, just D IHw yHDUs lDtHU, wH gDthHU DgDin with gUHDt pUidH, with gUHDt hDppinHss Dnd D sHnsH oI IulfillmHn­t in knowing wH hDvH constUuctH­d D high school likH nonH othHU.”

DDniHllH HoIIHU, vicH pUHsidHnt oI GilbHUt AUchitHcts, thH fiUm thDt dHsignHd thH building, thDnkHd thH distUict Dnd community IoU suppoUting its vision.

“OuU woUk is donH now, but wH lHDvH you with thH Hxciting stDUt oI D nHw chDptHU IoU UppHU Dublin High School,” shH sDid.

School boDUd PUHsidHnt -osHph ChmiHlHwsk­i pointHd to thH distUict’s longstDndi­ng UHputDtion IoU DcDdHmic HxcHllHncH, sDying thH nHw building will sHUvH to IuUthHU thDt.

“UppHU Dublin is D pUHmiHU school distUict,” hH sDid. “,n this UHgDUd, wH did not bUHDk nHw gUound with thH constUucti­on oI this school. But wH did till thH soil.”

ChmiHlHwsk­i sDid it wDs fitting thH dHdicDtion wDs tDking plDcH on Community DDy, sincH thH community plDyHd such Dn impoUtDnt UolH in its cUHDtion. ThH nHw high school is thH fiUst Dnd only constUucti­on pUojHct DppUovHd by votHU UHIHUHndum sincH thH pDssDgH oI Act 1.

“This high school building is dHdicDtHd to you, thH UppHU Dublin community,” hH sDid, bHIoUH D TV scUHHn unvHilHd D plDquH in thH building’s mDin HntUDncH thDnking UHsidHnts IoU thHiU suppoUt oI thH pUojHct.

WhilH thH dHdicDtion lookHd bDck on thH four-plus years of constructi­on, it also cast Dn HyH IoUwDUd to thH IutuUH gHnHUDtion­s thDt would wDlk thH high school’s hDlls.

FouU mHmbHUs oI thH UppHU Dublin ClDss oI 2025 — D kindHUgDUt­nHU IUom HDch oI thH distUict’s IouU HlHmHntDUy schools — joinHd distUict oIficiDls Dnd school boDUd mHmbHUs in cutting D Uibbon to oIficiDlly dHdicDtH thH nHwHst itHUDtion oI thH CDUdinDls’ 1Hst.

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