The Ambler Gazette


- By Andrew Marcus

IPDJLnH 11 sRDrLnJ, hunJry DnG Rut tR IHDst Rn thH FOyLnJ CDrGLnDOs ZLth thH EDOO Ln hDnG. SHHLnJ thH NRrrLstRZn GHIHnGHrs EOLtz USSHr DuEOLn TuDrtHrEDF­N -Rhn DHrr IDFHG PLJht hDvH EHHn RvHrZhHOPL­nJ Dt RnH tLPH, Eut thH junLRr stDyHG FDOP DnG FRntrROOHG Rn FrLGDy.

It PDy nRt hDvH EHHn thH FDsH ILvH ZHHNs DJR, Eut thH ILrst yHDr TuDrtHrEDF­N is starting to trust his ofIHnsLvH OLnH DnG ILnG hLs teammates in open space ZLth rHJuODrLty. HLs 6-IRr6 stDrt, ZLth LnFOuGHG tZR tRuFhGRZn SDssHs, ZDs just ZhDt thH CDrGLnDOs nHHGHG.

“My nHrvHs ZHrH Rut RI control the first game this sHDsRn,” DHrr sDLG. “NRZ I feel a lot more comfortDEO­H, Eut I hDvH D ORt RI ZRrN tR GR. I just hDvH tR stDy IRFusHG DnG GR Py thLnJ.”

EvHry tLPH thH EDJOHs ORRNHG tR PDNH uS JrRunG thHrH ZDs D PHntDO PLstDNH to pause their progress. The CDrGLnDOs DGGHG thrHH rushLnJ sFRrHs Ln thH sHFRnG hDOI DnG ZHnt Rn tR D 35-19 vLFtRry.

“WH just PDGH tRR PDny PHntDO PLstDNHs,” NRrrLstRZn FRDFh E.-. SPLth sDLG. “WH hDvH tR ERunFH EDFN, SrDFtLFH, DnG JHt Lt rLJht. It’s not matter of us liking or not OLNLnJ (thH SODys FDOO). WhDt thH GHIHnsH JLvHs us ZH try tR tDNH.”

ThH CDrGLnDOs GHIHnsH GLG D sROLG jRE NHHSLnJ thH ErHDNDZDy sSHHG RI thH EDJOHs FRntDLnHG. SHnLRr RREHrt PDrNHr SHHOHG RII D 43-yDrG tRuFhGRZn run Ln thH IRurth TuDrtHr, Eut Dt thDt tLPH, ZLth thH sFRrH 35-14, Lt ZDs Ln thH Eagles’ best interests to take the air. Eagles’ junLRr TuDrtHrEDF­N SRnny BrHZHr FRPSOHtHG 5-RI-19 SDssHs IRr 40 yDrGs ZLth tZR LntHrFHStL­Rns.

“WH trLHG tR PDNH thHP ERunFH Lt DnG ZH hDG D Juy SODnnHG tR EH sLttLnJ Rut thHrH,” CDrGLnDOs FRDFh BrHt StRvHr sDLG. “FRr thH PRst SDrt I ZDs hDSSy ZLth thH SHrIRrPDnF­H.”

DHrr ILnLshHG ZLth 104 yDrGs DnG RnH LntHrFHStL­Rn tR JR ZLth hLs tZR sFRrHs. WhLOH thH tLSSHG SDss turnHG turnRvHr GLG nRt IHHO JRRG Dt thH tLPH, Lt rHPLnGHG thH CDrGLnDOs’ nHZ sLJnDO-FDOOHr hH Ls IDr DZDy IrRP ZhHrH hH

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