The Antlers American



Apr 20

It is very important that you do not count your chickens before they hatch, Aries. Something you suspected was a sure thing may not pan out this week.

TAURUS Apr 21/ May 21

You have a secret desire that you want to let out, Taurus. But you’re not sure of the timing. Stop letting your head dictate your heart and put plans into action.

Jun 21

Friendship­s could falter due to your insecuriti­es, Gemini. Others want to be around you for good reason. Try to see the value in relationsh­ips and make the effort to socialize.

CANCER Jun 22/

Jul 22

Cancer, you could be defeating your own efforts this week. There may be something telling you that youÕre not good enough to go for your goals. A pep talk can put you back on course.

LEO Jul 23/Aug



GEMINI May 22/

There’s a fresh developmen­t in your love life coming down the pike, Leo. Romantic feelings solidify and you might be in for some exciting adventures in the weeks to come.

VIRGO Aug 24/ Sept 22

Virgo, the crowd around you may not be the support system you need right now. Making new friends can be tough, but it’s worthy pursuit at this point.

Oct 23 LIBRA Sept 23/

Libra, no matter how much you want to spend time with family or friends right now, work seems to draw you away. Focus on finding more bal

ance. SCORPIO Oct 24/

Nov 22

You might be feeling fed up with the pace of lessons being taught to you, Scorpio. If the teacher or mentor simply isn’t effective, then you might need to find a new educator.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23/Dec 21

Sagittariu­s, it might seem like having the utmost control sets you up for security, but that’s not always the case. Being too controllin­g may push others away.

CAPRICORN Dec 22/Jan 20

This may be an emotional week for you, Capricorn. Your relationsh­ip will have to weather a few storms before things right themselves again.

AQUARIUS Jan 21/Feb 18

Poor habits can keep you from getting where you want to go, Aquarius. A friend or family member may need to step in to show you where you could be going wrong. PISCES Feb 19/

Mar 20

Help a partner heal by being sensitive to his or her suffering. You may not know all the ins and outs, but being supportive can help greatly.

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