The Antlers American

Senate Passes Bullard Bill to Fund Local Water, Wastewater Improvemen­ts


The Oklahoma Senate on Monday passed a bill from Sen. David Bullard, R-Durant, that would earmark $125 million for much-needed water and wastewater infrastruc­ture projects in localities across the state.

Senate Bill 1331 directs the Oklahoma Water Resources Board to establish a program to provide loans to municipali­ties and rural water districts seeking matching funds for water or wastewater improvemen­t projects. The state would provide $125 million in initial funding for the program.

Half of the funds would be reserved for approved projects in municipali­ties or counties with less than 30,000 people. The remaining funds would be allocated to mid-sized municipali­ties or those with more than 400,000 people.

Interest from the loans will go back into the Water and Wastewater Infrastruc­ture Investment

Revolving Fund, which will help the fund grow, Bullard said.

“Leveraging our tax dollars in this manner makes them go further for crucial infrastruc­ture projects,” Bullard said. “These water and wastewater projects are essential for Oklahoma residents, and improving our aging water infrastruc­ture can also serve as an economic driver to recruit more businesses to the state.”

Bullard said Oklahoma counties and municipali­ties collective­ly have more than $17 billion in water and wastewater infrastruc­ture needs.

“This is a longterm solution to address the needs of many localities across Oklahoma,” Bullard said. “Their struggle to fund critical water and wastewater infrastruc­ture projects is real and approachin­g dangerous levels.”

SB 1331 is now eligible to be heard in the House.

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