The Arizona Republic

Perhaps on a whim, house finches become early birds

- Clay Thompson Reach Thompson at clay.thompson@ arizonarep­ or 602-444-8612.

Today’s question: I was at the hardware store a few weeks ago, and on a whim, I bought a package of birdseed.

I don’t have a bird feeder, but when I take my coffee out to the patio in the morning, I have got in the habit of throwing a few handfuls of the birdseed out on the patio. It only took a few days before the birds were out there in the trees and bushes and on the roof waiting for me to come out. Sometimes there are 25 or 30 of them. Mostly they are those small doves and sparrows. But the first ones to swoop in are small birds — about the size of a sparrow — that have a red breast.

Do you know what these birds are and why they are always first to arrive?

A few things here before we get down to the heart of this matter:

First of all, we have all heard of people buying stuff on a whim, and I have done so myself. I have neckties in my closet that will testify to this.

However, I have never heard of anyone buying birdseed on a whim, although I guess such things happen.

Next, does it ever creep you out a bit that all those birds are out there waiting for you every morning? I guess not, but I don’t think I’d care much for that.

Last, the red-breasted birds you are seeing in the mornings are house finches, a very common bird in these parts.

Now, as to why they are always the first ones at your birdseed buffet, I can’t say. Maybe they are just braver or hungrier than the others.

Or maybe they just do it on a whim.

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