The Arizona Republic

Car salesman pays $32K to lobby Obama for 2 minutes

- By Chris Woodyard

A Los Angeles car salesman and electric car advocate is shelling $32,400 out of his retirement savings so he can make a pitch directly to President Obama at a “private, off-the-record” Democratic fundraiser next week.

Paul Scott, 60, says he isn’t a rich guy. He’s a $50,000-a-year Nissan salesman who plans to rub elbows with 24 bigwigs in a private luncheon that he says will put a crimp in his retirement plans.

But he says the goal is worthwhile. He wants to make a few points to Obama about on how to better support electric cars — a cause that Obama already embraces — and thought the private audience would be a fine way to do it.

So when a solicitati­on came for the fundraiser, Scott says he was told that he’d get a chance sometime over the luncheon to offer his advice directly to the president. “That was something I had to confirm before I wrote the check,” Scott says. At least two minutes, probably no more than four, he says he was told.

The fundraiser who sent the email could not be be reached for comment. A copy was provided to USA Today, and it includes a menu of choices with prices when it comes to seeing the Obama in person at the June 7 fundraiser.

For $10,000, you can be luncheon guest. For $16,200, you can be a VIP luncheon guest and have your picture taken with Obama. For $32,400, the package “includes an official photograph with President Obama, as well as a very special one-hour roundtable discussion with the President after the luncheon. President Obama will take your questions in a private, off-the-record conversati­on where you can discuss with him what you’d like. Please note this is limited to 25 people to keep it an intimate discussion, and so will sell out very fast.”

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