The Arizona Republic

Have 1 policy on illegal migrants

- Republic Chandler Phoenix Laveen Glendale

The Viewpoints column Sunday, “Fat cats aim to make sure fast-food paychecks stay skinny,” reminds me of an old George Carlin joke: “Just in, a partial score, NY Giants 13.”

editorial writer Linda Valdez wants us to pay more, a lot more, for food, movie tickets or just about anything else where the workforce is paid minimum wage. Perhaps, showing the other score would paint a more balanced picture and open up a real dialogue.

For now, the U.S. still operates on supply and demand. If 10 other job seekers would take the job at the current wages, why increase them? And employers don’t. Wages increase when skills and contributi­ons increase. Individual motivation dictates desire, action and results.

The column glosses over increased cost as incidental. A 50 percent increase in employee costs has to come from somewhere, the two choices being cutbacks in food costs (quality) or increased prices for customers.

The complete score is now in: Minimum Wages $15, Burger $15.

— Bruce G. Read,

— R. Peters,

What does it matter, to paraphrase Hillary Clinton, with regard to Sunday’s article “Migrants from India surge across border”?

Regardless of whether the people from India are here as “refugees,” it simply should not matter. If they get inside our borders, they, according to our federal government, are able to stay as long as they don’t commit any crimes.

Why should they be treated any differentl­y than any of the others who are here illegally? Double standards or racial profiling?

ASU frats sound like mini gangs

In the good old days, fraterniti­es were groups with common interests in things such as engineerin­g, science, etc. They would occasional­ly have a wild party and, yes, sometimes a couple of guys would get into a fight.

Now, it seems that all they want to do is party and fight. These are not fraternity brothers but thugs.

Any time it takes a group of these “frat brothers” to beat someone from another fraternity senseless, that should be considered gang activity and treated as such. It’s time that Arizona State University addresses these problems.

— Cal Griggs,

— Ward Hendrix,

A salute to athletes, musicians

High fives and kudos to local highschool athletes and band members.

Every day in the nation’s most miserable, hot, unhealthy weather, these students go to school all day and practice running, football and other sports, as well as band routines in the early morning, after school and evening.

I am truly amazed and appreciati­ve of these dedicated young people’s work ethic and effort. I hope their colleagues are aware of the difference in their attitudes.

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