The Arizona Republic

Obama taps new Homeland Security nominee

Ex-military lawyer is selected to take Napolitano’s place

- By Alicia A. Caldwell

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Friday nominated a top former Pentagon lawyer to help craft the nation’s counterter­rorism policy as secretary of Homeland Security, suggesting a shift from the department’s emphasis on immigratio­n and border issues to a greater focus on security against possible attacks.

If confirmed by the Senate — and no organized opposition has been indicated — Jeh Johnson would replace Janet Napolitano, who left her post last month to become president of the University of California system. Johnson, whose first name is pronounced “Jay,” is now a lawyer at a private firm.

Obama said he was nominating Johnson because of Johnson’s “deep understand­ing of the threats and challenges facing the United States.”

The president credited Johnson with helping design and implement policies to dismantle the core of the al-Qaida terror organizati­on overseas and to repeal the ban on openly gay service members in the U.S. mili-


“He’s been there in the Situation Room, at the table in moments of decision,” Obama said as he announced the nomination from the Rose Garden.

Napolitano, who came to the Homeland Security Department after serving as governor of Arizona, made clear that her top priority was immigratio­n reform, and she routinely championed the issue in congressio­nal testimony.

In contrast, Johnson has spent most of his career dealing with national-security issues as a top military lawyer.

Issues he has handled include changing military commission­s to try some terrorism suspects rather than using civilian courts and overseeing the escalation of the use of unmanned-drone strikes during the wars in Iraq and Afghanista­n.

The Homeland Security Department was created in response to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, which Johnson said took place on his birthday.

He noted that he was in Manhattan on that day when the World Trade Center was struck, and he said he was motivated to do something to help the country in response. But he left government service in 2012 to settle back into private life and work at a law firm.

“I was not looking for this opportunit­y,” Johnson said. “But when I received the call, I could not refuse it.”

Johnson, a multimilli­onaire lawyer outside of his government posts, has defended the administra­tion’s targeted killing of U.S. citizens suspected of terrorism overseas as well as the role of the U.S. spy court and crackdowns to keep government secrets.

If confirmed, he would manage a department with more than 20 agencies, a budget of more than $45 billion and a staff of hundreds of thousands of civilian, law-enforcemen­t and military personnel.

On any given day, the job includes making decisions about disaster relief; distributi­on of a shrinking grant budget; which immigrants living in the United States illegally to deport; and how to protect passenger jets from terrorists.

If confirmed, Johnson, a one-time assistant U.S. attorney in New York, would inherit a department whose public face in recent years has been associated with immigratio­n. But that’s an area he has little experience with.

Matt Fishbein, who worked with Johnson in a private law firm in the early 1980s and served on a New York City Bar panel while the nominee was chairman in the late 1990s, described the job Johnson will face.

“Ultimately, he’s responsibl­e for security in this age of terrorism,” said Fishbein, a Debevoise & Plimpton lawfirm partner in New York.

“I imagine that means every single day coming across his desk is going to be very scary informatio­n that he’s going to have to sort out and see if there’s a basis for it. You need to secure and protect the country while not oversteppi­ng the bounds, violating civil liberties. It’s a tough job,” Fishbein added.

Johnson has made clear his support for using done strikes to kill enemy combatants, including U.S. citizens, overseas. He has also said that he considers “lone wolf” terrorists to be a law-enforcemen­t problem, not enemy combatants who should be targeted in military strikes.

Homeland Security is almost never the lead law-enforcemen­t agency in domestic terror cases. It includes Customs and Border Protection, whose primary mission is preventing terrorists from coming into the country. The DHS also has a presence on the FBI-led joint terrorism task forces around the country, with agents from Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t and the Secret Service.

Johnson’s experience in dealing with overseas actions and counterter­ror decisions may also be helpful for a department still trying to define its role in the fight against terrorism. Homeland Security has a growing footprint around the world.

If confirmed, Johnson would take over an agency with numerous highlevel vacancies, including the deputy secretary.

When Janet Napolitano left to take over as president of the Univer- sity of California in September, one-third of the heads of key agencies and divisions were filled with acting officials or had been vacant for months.

Obama has nominated several people to key positions, including general counsel.

His pick to be the department’s No. 2, U.S. Citizenshi­p and Immigratio­n Services Director Alejandro Mayorkas, is the subject of an internal investigat­ion, and his nomination has been stalled.

Johnson is a 1979 graduate of Morehouse Col- lege and a 1982 graduate of Columbia Law School.

After leaving the administra­tion in 2012, he returned to private practice. According to the website of his law firm, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP, his clients in civil and criminal cases have included Citigroup, Salomon Smith Barney, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. and Gillette.

Johnson made more than $2.6 million from his partnershi­p at that law firm, according to government financial-dis- closure documents.

During the 2008 presidenti­al campaign, Johnson donated more than $33,000 to Obama’s campaign, federal records show.

He was also a supporter of Hillary Clinton, having contribute­d $2,300 to her presidenti­al-primary campaign in July 2008.

Johnson also has given $5,000 to the New Jersey Democratic Party and $1,000 to Democrats nationwide, along with contributi­ng to several congressio­nal candidates.

 ?? CHARLES DHARAPAK/AP ?? President Barack Obama (left) greets Jeh Johnson, whom Obama named Friday as his choice for the next secretary of Homeland Security, in the White House Rose Garden. Johnson was general counsel at the Defense Department during the Iraq and Afghanista­n...
CHARLES DHARAPAK/AP President Barack Obama (left) greets Jeh Johnson, whom Obama named Friday as his choice for the next secretary of Homeland Security, in the White House Rose Garden. Johnson was general counsel at the Defense Department during the Iraq and Afghanista­n...

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