The Arizona Republic

Enforcemen­t broken

- Not Phoenix Mesa Mesa Phoenix

Trae West,

During the immigratio­n debate, we frequently hear the statement: “We need to fix our immigratio­n policy; it is broken.”

For me, the only thing broken is the lack of enforcemen­t. The federal government has been absent for political purposes.

There is nothing wrong with immigrants coming to America; what is wrong is when it is done illegally. No one has the right to demand legal status when that person broke immigratio­n laws to get here. Sometimes, the answer is too simple for the politician­s to figure out. It is time to clean house.

— Michael Grassia,

Negotiatio­ns needed

Negotiatio­ns on sequester but on “Obamacare“? Both are the “law of the land.”

— Phil Pizzi,

Kids figured it out

My daughter was talking back to the news on the radio as she was driving her children home from school. She was expressing frustratio­n at the political standoff in Washington with the debt ceiling, government shutdown and the general mess we are in.

Her 9-year-old son asked her what was going on. She must have done a pretty good job of explaining it because he said, with very firm disgust, “Mom, that’s a dity.”

When she asked him what a “dity” is, he replied: “It’s dumb and a pity with a hint of ridiculous­ness.”

The kids have it figured out; why can’t our great leaders?

— Aggie Angerer,

 ??  ?? quences are needed. Longer jail time and larger fines for drinking offenses. Nothing else seems to be working. Alcohol education seems to have only added to their drinking.
Sadly, how many will never see the end of college because of a final...
quences are needed. Longer jail time and larger fines for drinking offenses. Nothing else seems to be working. Alcohol education seems to have only added to their drinking. Sadly, how many will never see the end of college because of a final...

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