The Arizona Republic


- Everybody’s Reach Goodykoont­z at bill .goodykoont­z@arizonarep Facebook: face­m. Twitter:

Stallone (yes, that one; is there another?) and directed by Gary Fleder, begins with DEA agent Phil Broker (Statham) having his cover blown in a hideously violent (from this point on, just assume “hideous” describes all the violence in the movie) shootout.

Two years later his wife has died and he and his 10-year-old daughter, Maddy (Izabela Vidovic), have moved to a small town in Louisiana, where Maddy beats up boys who cross her. (Daddy trained her well.) One day she hits the wrong kid, however; his bat-crazy mom (Kate Bosworth) goads her husband (Marcus Hester) into confrontin­g Phil physically, which of course ends poorly for the guy (see: hideous violence, above).

This isn’t enough, so the woman goes to her brother, Gator (Franco), who, by virtue of a burgeoning meth business, is a rung or two higher on the white-trash ladder than his sister. She wants Gator to get revenge.

One thing leads to another and Gator realizes he’s glommed onto something more than just roughing up a local guy a Read an interview with Jason Statham at movies little bit. So he calls in Sheryl (Winona Ryder), his old girlfriend (apparently old girlfriend), to help out a scheme that will boost his business and spell doom for Phil; it will also endanger Maddy.

Of course, they haven’t figured on Phil’s ability to get hit in the head with a … well, you know.

Statham is always good as the silent buttkickin­g type and is fine here. Franco, as is often the case, seems to be acting in his own private movie and having a grand old time doing so; results for the audience may vary. Bosworth is good, scary skinny and wired for trouble as a menacing mom.

But it’s not her movie. This is tough-guy territory, and no one seems to have noticed she’s the toughest one of the lot.

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