The Arizona Republic

Not all of us are seeing red over Brewer’s vaca... business trip to China

- Reach Montini at ed.montini@arizonarep­ or 602-444-8978.

As it turns out, Gov. Jan Brewer and I actually do have something in common: Communist China. Over the years I periodical­ly have been told by enthusiast­ic readers that I should move to the People’s Republic. Gov. Brewer, on the other hand, is actually there. She left last week. The reason I have not relocated to China (where I’m told I “belong”) is that I simply could not thrive without a good bacon-and-egg breakfast joint, or Major League Baseball, or used-book stores or, oh yeah, freedom. Also, I can’t afford the airfare. (Although, again, several generous readers have said they would foot the bill … for a one-way ticket.)

At any rate, Brewer’s spokesman said the governor has gone to China to meet with companies that might be interested in doing business with our state, as well as some firms that already have expressed such interest.

He said of Brewer, “She’s always valued China as a strong trade partner. She continues to see this as an opportunit­y for Arizona.” I’m sure that is true. Not everyone agrees, however. I’ve heard from several local cynics who are seeing red over Brewer’s trip. They view the governor’s weeklong excursion as an opportunit­y for a lame-duck elected official to squeeze in one more really cool junket before leaving office. Come on, people. Have a little faith. Sure, in the process of doing the state’s business it’s entirely possible the governor might stumble upon some of the wonderful and exotic cultural and culinary amenities of historic cities like Beijing and Shanghai. But even that could be considered a chance to determine if any strategies the commies use to entice or entertain visitors might apply in Arizona.

The Governor’s Office says China is Arizona’s third largest trading partner behind Mexico and Canada. And although a visit to our largest trading partner is only about a three-hour drive, due south, that country doesn’t provide the kind of cutting-edge innovation­s in tourism and public policy that China offers. For example, the Great Wall. How long has Gov. Brewer been preaching the message of increased border security? It only makes sense that she visit China’s legendary engi-

neering wonder. Not as a tourist, but as an elected official seeking solutions to immigratio­n problems. Likewise, the Forbidden City. The great fortress was built by an- cient Chinese rulers. It was surrounded by 30-foot walls, a wide, deep moat, and was defended by an army of highly trained soldiers. No one except highrankin­g officials (which clearly eliminates journalist­s) was permitted inside. This is exactly the kind of renovation project that Brewer — and every other Arizona governor — would like to initiate at the state Capitol.

Given all this, it makes perfect sense that our governor would travel 6,500 miles on a strictly business trip, during which she might happen to pass by tourist attraction­s like Tiananmen Square in Beijing, or perhaps the lovely riverside area in Shanghai called the Bund, or that city’s glittering Nanjing Road, filled with fancy shops and restaurant­s.

Hey, even the gourmet eating establishm­ents in such an exotic locale offer valuable lessons for an American gover- nor. For example, a politician from the United States might be surprised to learn that in China the term “sweet and sour pork” does not refer to an exchange of favors between an elected official and a lobbyist.

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